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Interesting! The car factories lined up to deliver the car to the chairman of 360.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Zhou Hongyi, chairman of 360 Group, released a video on April 18, revealing that he plans to sell his Maybach 600 to experience the feeling of a new generation of cars. It said that it would give up the traditional luxury car and replace it with the domestic new energy intelligent network combined car. At the end of the video, Zhou Hongyi also asked netizens to recommend new energy models to him, and also said that if competitors are willing to offer experience cars, they are "open to anything."

It is worth mentioning that yesterday, the topic of "Zhou Hongyi selling cars" logged on the hot search position on Weibo.

Zhou Hongyi's desire to buy new energy models has also attracted the attention of many competitors.

Under this video, there are many comments and recommendations from competitors. Among them, Yang Xueliang, senior vice president of Geely holding Group, recommended Zhou Hongyi to extreme krypton 009 brilliance, saying that extreme krypton 009 brilliance can meet its needs and accord with temperament. Hyper Hauplatinum comments, recommend the upcoming 2024 Hauplatinum HT. Extreme krypton Guan Haitao comments recommended, extreme krypton 009 glow version.

Chen Zhuo, president of Avita Technology, retweeted comments: good-looking, high-tech, high-value, Avita 12 is worth starting with! Arrange a Huijin version 12 that has just appeared on the market, "no picture" smart drive to the door, first experience? GAC Toyota New Energy commented that don't you want to take a look at the joint venture? The Platinum Intelligence 4X is recommended, which has 1000mm rear space comparable to the D-class car.

Xia Yiping, CEO of Jiyue Automobile, also forwarded Zhou Hongyi's video and commented: in the tenth year, why not consider a car robot with both appearance and intelligence? The smart cars empowered by Geely and Baidu will not disappoint anyone who goes to the future. Baidu map in some places, put all over the world can drive wisely; OTA efficient full-speed iteration to ensure that you drive a new car every month! Boss Zhou issued an order PPA free for life at the end of May.

After receiving so many recommendations from competitors, Zhou Hongyi posted another video last night, saying that after the video of selling cars was released, he did not expect the feedback to be so enthusiastic. At the same time, it is pointed out that he is more concerned about the space in the car, or hope to recommend a car with large space. In addition, he also pointed out that after he released the video of selling cars, the one who responded most quickly was Li Bin, who had asked himself if he wanted to use Weilai's car.

Interestingly, almost an hour or so after Zhou Hongyi released the new video, everyone was still in the stage of comment. Last night, Xiaopeng car delivered the car directly. Xiaopeng car posted at about 8 o'clock last night: boss Zhou, the car has been delivered to your company downstairs, Xiaopeng X9 space is very large, but also very smart, welcome to have an in-depth experience! It is accompanied by a picture of Xiaopeng X9 parked under the 360 building.

This wave of operation has once again pushed Zhou Hongyi's purchase of new energy vehicles into a hot search.

After that, BYD looked up at the car and posted that it had arranged U8. Dongfeng Nanyi Yihua also retweeted comments that if you want to experience it, can you start with the national pure tram? Dongfeng Nano 01, as the most intelligent pure tram of class 100000, is provided with home delivery free of charge. Ruilan car also commented today: Ruilan 7 is already downstairs, you are welcome to come downstairs for a test drive at any time.

Today, Zhou Hongyi once again said that too many car companies recommend models and they don't know which car to choose. It was also pointed out that Yu Chengdong and Li Bin both arranged for people to dock, but what moved him most was that Xiaopeng unexpectedly sent all the cars downstairs. He was also overjoyed to look up to the car to arrange U8.

For this wave of operation, it has also aroused the attention of the majority of netizens. In this regard, some netizens said: like the response of Xiaopeng car, actions speak louder than words, no matter how good they say, it is better to act directly. Another netizen suggested: try a car for a week before you make a decision.

In fact, with the rapid development of new energy vehicles, in the context of the increasingly fierce price war, the bosses of many car companies are gradually moving from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, not only one after another joined to start the live test. In terms of delivery, he learned from Lei Jun and handed over the car to the owner himself, giving the owner a full sense of ritual.

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