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Do something big! Huawei "shouted" 10 car brands in one breath.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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After last night's launch of the official website, Huawei Smart car Solutions official WeChat today posted @ 10 car companies, namely, ARCFOX extreme Fox, Changan Automobile, Avita, Deep Blue Automobile, Lantu Automobile, Warrior Technology, GAC MOTOR, Hongmeng Zhixing, AITO Automobile, and Zhijie Automobile. It is worth mentioning that Zhiji, which has not been @, also posted, "look forward to Huawei's new brand! on April 24, Huawei Smart car solution will be released!" It is understood that Huawei smart car solution BU will hold a press conference on April 24, at which a new brand will be unveiled.

With the continuous promotion of intelligence in the automobile industry, the era of high competition in the intelligent automobile industry has come. As we all know, Huawei BU has three business models in cooperation with car companies, namely, Tier1 (traditional parts supplier model, which supplies intelligent parts for car companies), HI mode (Huawei Inside mode) and smart selection mode. From the point of view of Guan Xuan's brands, they are all brands that have established a close relationship with Huawei. ARCFOX extreme Fox, AITO Automobile and Zhijie Automobile all belong to the brands of Hongmeng Zhihang, and the corresponding brands are Hangjie, Zhanjie and Zhijie, respectively; Avita, Deep Blue Automobile, Lantu Automobile and Mengshi Technology are likely to adopt HI mode (Huawei Inside mode) to enhance the intelligent experience of automotive products through the injection of Huawei smart car solutions.

Judging from the known information, the new brand unveiled at this conference will be a comprehensive upgrade of Huawei's smart car solution technology and experience. ARCFOX extreme Fox, Changan Automobile, Avita, Deep Blue Automobile and other car companies will join this brand to empower the above-mentioned car companies and provide a more intelligent product experience. It is understood that Huawei's new product launch will bring a series of smart car solutions, such as intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, smart vehicle light, intelligent car control, intelligent car cloud service and so on.

Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei and chairman of BU, revealed at the China Electric vehicle 100 Forum in 2024 that Huawei's smart car selection business has turned into profit in the first quarter of this year, and the smart car solution BU business is close to the edge of break-even. It is expected to turn losses into profits and show positive development from April.

The establishment of the ecological alliance can also flexibly use internal resources to play its own combination of punches according to local conditions. Yu Chengdong once said, "China needs to build an electric intelligent open platform with the participation of the automobile industry, an open platform with 'locomotives', and we will work together with more strategic partners. We will continue to explore a new win-win model of opening up, jointly seize the opportunity of the electrified and intelligent transformation of the automobile industry, and realize the dream of the rise of China's automobile industry."

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