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It's been reported! Xiaopeng Automobile responds to the investigation of staff cooperation.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On April 23, Xiaopeng officially posted on Weibo that it had taken note of media reports about Xiaopeng's employees cooperating with the investigation, and explained the information: 1. Hebei police have recently launched an operation against the Internet Water Army. Xiaopeng Motor is also actively cooperating with the police in the investigation of suppliers. The case is in the investigation stage, please do not believe the rumors, do not spread the rumors, will not affect the public security organs to investigate and handle the case. 2. Xiaopeng Motor is very supportive of the police's action to crack down on the Internet Water Army. Xiaopeng X9 has also been widely attacked by the Internet Water Army since its listing, with more than 5000 related negative reports. In response to this kind of water army attack, Xiaopeng Automobile has collected evidence and reported the case to the public security organs, which have now been accepted by the public security organs. If there is any updated information, we will also disclose it to the public in a timely manner.

Police in Hengshui, Hebei found clues involving ideal MEGA while investigating cases involving water army companies and public relations companies, the Red Star Capital Bureau reported. The report pointed out that ideal MEGA was attacked by the water army when it was listed. Hebei Hengshui police are investigating the water army companies and public relations companies involved in the crackdown. Three to four car companies are suspected of being involved in the crackdown. Hengshui police have launched a number of inquiries, and a middle-level employee of Xiaopeng Automobile is cooperating with the investigation.

On March 1st, ideal car officially launched ideal MEGA, and the new car launched only one model, with a price of 559800 yuan. As the first pure electric car and the first MPV model of ideal car, ideal car founder and CEO Li Xiang is full of confidence in it and admits that ideal MEGA is confident that it will become the first in sales of more than 500000. However, there has been a lot of public opinion since the new car was put on the market, and the unique design and high price of the new car have brought a high degree of attention to the ideal car, which has also triggered heated discussions, including "unfriendly" ridicule of the new car, and even a malicious P map of the appearance of the new car, affixing the words "drink" and "new energy funeral car" to the body, and some netizens have found photos of MEGA parked side by side in the underground garage. Changing the color to a weird style has dealt a blow to the image of the ideal MEGA and affected the reputation of the ideal car.

On March 11, the day the ideal MEGA began to be delivered, Li posted a long message on his personal social platform saying: "after careful consideration, we decided to fight back and fight back with light against darkness." "We are already dealing with organized crimes by legal means," he said. " After Li wanted to post his moments, Yu Chengdong, chairman of Huawei BU, and he Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng Motor, both expressed support for Li. He Xiaopeng said: "at the end of last year, we also learned a great lesson. For the first time, we understood what a shopping mall is like a battlefield. For the first time, we knew the meaning of" national defense capability "." Li Bin, chairman of Xilai, asked employees not to forward comments about their participation in the ideal MEGA look.

In fact, similar incidents occur in the automobile industry from time to time, including network rumor-mongering and malicious communication, as well as the chaos of the "network water army", and the communication effect and negative impact of the network water army often bring serious damage to the car companies. In the face of phenomena such as network rumor-mongering and malicious communication, more and more car companies are taking up jobs and doing business. Previously, car companies, including Tesla, ideal Automobile, Xilai Automobile, Xiaopeng Automobile, Zero running Automobile, Polar Fox Automobile, Polar Krypton Automobile, and Lantu Automobile, have pushed the Ministry of Justice to the foreground to meet the malicious smear messages on the Internet with a more proactive and tough attitude.

In response to the malicious attack on ideal MEGA, Hebei police have intervened in the investigation and are investigating the water army companies and public relations companies involved. The follow-up new development "Automotive Industry concern" will also continue to pay attention.

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