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Sales list in the third week of April!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Terminal sales are released in the second week of April (4.15-4.21).

Judging from the Chinese brand sales list, BYD undoubtedly ranked first, topping the list with 57127 vehicles, followed by Volkswagen and Toyota with 31053 and 25001 respectively, while Honda ranked fourth with 16687. In the top 10 sales brand rankings, the major car brands are relatively stable, with Geely, Changan and Wuling from China ranking fifth to seventh, with Geely 14623 and Changan 13418, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Nissan ranking eighth to 10th, of which Mercedes-Benz is 11353 and BMW 10480.

According to the list of new energy brand sales in China, BYD also topped the list, being the only new energy brand with more than 10,000 sales, followed by Wuling Motor and Hongmeng Zhihang with 7198 and 7130 respectively. Among the top 10 sales brands, the decline in ideal cars was the most pronounced, delivering 4514 vehicles a week, down four places from the previous week. In terms of other brands, Tesla sold 5155 cars, while Zero cars, Changan, Volkswagen and Changan Qiyuan ranked 7-10 respectively.

Let's take a look at the New Power sales list. Ideal car sales have fallen sharply after three consecutive weeks of anti-overshoot, with sales of 4514 in the third week of April, 2679 less than the previous week, while Hongmeng Zhihang sold 7130, a significant increase over the previous week. among them, the boundary is 6000 and the intellectual world is 1130.

Ideal car officially launched the L6 model on April 18, with a price of 249800 yuan. It is the first model of the ideal car priced below 300000 yuan. It locates the family intelligent luxury 5-seat SUV, the wheelbase is 2920mm, and is equipped with 1.5T four-cylinder engine as the extended range system. As for other models, only the L7 and L9 are more than 1,000, 1976 and 1122, L8 and MEGA are 851 and 174, respectively.

The new M5 model will be launched on April 23, starting at 249800 yuan and will be delivered in bulk on May 15. As a medium-term modification, the new M5 will make minor adjustments in appearance and, more importantly, speed up the deepening of Huawei's empowerment, with Huawei smart driving and lidar as standard in the whole system. It is understood that the new car on the market 24 hours Daqing 4031.

In other brands, zero-running cars, polar krypton and Weilai all sold more than 3000 cars, of which 3900 were zero-running cars. Deep Blue, Xiaopeng and Tengli are all above 2000, while Xiaomi and Avita are 1700 and 1200 respectively.

Terminal sales show that in the third week of April, Xiaomi delivered 1717 vehicles, ranking 23rd in the ranking of new energy vehicles and ninth in the list of new forces. SU7 ranked third in the market of medium and large new energy vehicles, with the Han family and polar krypton 001 ranking in the top three, with sales of 4178 and 2163 respectively.

The Xiaomi SU7, a blockbuster model built by Xiaomi in three years, was released on March 28th, with the standard version of SU7 selling for 215900 yuan (rear drive), SU7 Pro selling 245900 yuan (rear drive) and SU7 Max selling 299900 yuan (all-wheel drive). According to the plan, delivery of the limited initial version has been completed, and delivery of the standard version and Max version has been launched on April 18.

At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, Lei Jun, chairman of Xiaomi Group, said at a press conference that as of April 24, Xiaomi had locked up more than 75723 cars, and 5781 had been delivered 28 days after its release. At present, Xiaomi is making every effort to expand its production capacity, with plans to deliver more than 10, 000 vehicles in June and meet its annual delivery target of 100000 vehicles.

Although it has been nearly a month since the launch of the new car, Xiaomi still has "splashing traffic". As soon as the auto show opened, Xiaomi's booth was surrounded by three layers inside and outside. For now, Xiaomi SU7 should not be worried about selling. At present, Xiaomi car should solve the problem of production capacity, and make efforts in after-sales service and product quality. There is no doubt that there is still a long way to go for new car makers in the new energy car market.

In terms of vehicle segments, in the weekly sales of TOP10 in China's passenger car market, a total of 8 new energy vehicles are on the list, of which 7 are from BYD, of which Qin PLUS, Song PLUS and Haiou are in the top three, with sales of 11200, 7300 and 6600 respectively. Xuan Yi and long Yi are the only two fuel cars on the list, with sales of 5500 and 4600 respectively. In addition, the Model Y is also 4600.

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