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Guoya! The brand-new Hongqi super luxury car is named.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On April 25, the red flag luxury executive sedan L1 was officially named "Guoya" and belongs to the "Red Flag Golden Sunflower" series. The new car officially opened its reservation to users around the world yesterday. Officials say the car is a brand that inherits national culture and is the latest masterpiece to demonstrate the style of a great country.

Appearance: the front face is equipped with a large front grille, and the built-in vertical silver decoration is combined with the unique front bumper to make the front look more elegant. It is worth mentioning that the new car is also equipped with a dedicated lift type, which increases the luxury of the vehicle. The rear of the car adopts a similar ladder-shaped design style, with tail lights with internal radial design on both sides, a silver decorative belt as decoration in the middle, and the word "red flag" on the top, which greatly improves the recognition of the vehicle. In addition, a red reflective strip is added to the rear bumper to improve the driving safety of the vehicle.

Body: with smooth lines, from the front to the rear of the car, so that the vehicle looks longer. The new car does not use the popular hidden door handle design, but uses the exposed door handle. In terms of size, according to the earlier declaration information of the new car, its length, width and height are 5353max, 1998x1511mm, and the wheelbase is 3260 mm.

Interior decoration: using the common T-shaped layout, the interior is decorated with double matching colors and wood grain panels, and is equipped with a large suspended LCD screen to enhance the luxury atmosphere inside the vehicle. In terms of configuration, it is equipped with megapixel DLP intelligent headlights, accurate pedestrian reminder, road information projection, AR-HUD, intelligent atmosphere lamp adjustment, rear row drop reminder and other functions.

In terms of power, the new car provides 3.0T and 4.0T hybrid versions for users to choose from, with a maximum power of 290 kilowatts and 360 kilowatts, both of which are matched with ternary lithium batteries. The price has not been officially announced this time. According to the official positioning of the new car slightly lower than the L5, reference to the Red Flag L5 not less than 5 million of the price, Guoya's price may not be cheap.

Relevant information shows that the new car has been unveiled in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology with the name of "Red Flag L1" earlier, positioning large cars, providing configuration options of 4 and 5 seats, and equipped with 19-inch or 20-inch rims for users to choose from. This time, Red Flag Guoya unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show, it is not difficult to see the determination of Red Flag brand to enter the luxury market. According to the positioning of the new car, the launch of the new car is more or to enhance the brand image.

It is worth mentioning that the official Red Flag of the Beijing Auto Show not only brought Guoya new models, but also unveiled 22 products from three major sub-brands. Officials said that the follow-up will be a strong product lineup, to show the brand upward, accelerate the transformation. As the red flag's "All in new energy" strategy, officials also unveiled Red Flag EHS7, EH7, E009, E007 and other models at the Beijing auto show. As more and more car companies speed up the transformation of electrification, the market of new energy vehicles will become more and more fierce.

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