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Audi FAW production! Q6L e-tron makes its debut

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, FAW Audi's new pure electric SUV Q6L e-tron was officially unveiled. It is understood that the Audi Q6L e-tron is based on the new PPE platform, and it is also Audi's first model based on this new electric vehicle platform, which is jointly developed by Audi and Porsche. The new car will be mass-produced in the new Audi FAW plant in the fourth quarter of this year, and the first products are expected to be delivered to customers in 2025.

In terms of appearance, the Audi Q6L e-tron is an electric model of great significance in the history of the Audi brand. Its overall continuation of the Audi classic SUV model design style, the net can be retained, imitating the fuel vehicle's polygonal air intake design, the whole net is basically the same color as the body. The split headlight group is integrated with the air intake, and the structure of the lower spoiler and air intake is relatively complex, showing a movement breath and a stronger visual impact. The daytime traffic lights on both sides are also very special. After lighting, the patterns are different from those in the past and can be constantly changed. It is understood that Audi Q6L e-tron provides exclusive body colors for the Chinese market, and the "clove ash" displayed at the auto show is one of them.

The design of the side of the body and double waistline outlines the sense of power that SUV has. The upper part of the waistline is divided into two parts, and the lower part hides the LOGO of e-tron. The whole body has the round sense of motion and strength of Audi SUV. In terms of size, compared with overseas models, the wheelbase is still lengthened 105mm, which is 2995mm, the length, width and height are 4884/1965/1687mm respectively, the rear of the vehicle, the D column is slightly tilted forward, and the roof is slightly pressed down at the same time, creating a more smooth posture. Like the previous day lights, the OLED taillights at the rear of the vehicle can also be changed, and the taillights are designed in a through-and-through design.

In terms of interior decoration, compared with the Audi models currently on sale in China, Audi Q6L e-tron is more like a product of another era. Its interior design adopts a new layout, which is different from Audi e-tron, Audi Q5 e-tron and other electric models. Q6L e-tron uses a new layout, 14.5in multimedia curved screen, 11.9inch virtual cockpit and 10.9inch co-driver screen. AR-HUD head-up display system is also provided, which can display speed, traffic signs, navigation and other related information, and the overall scientific and technological atmosphere is greatly improved.

In order not to affect the vision of the dashboard, the keys on the steering wheel are controlled by touch. More buttons are integrated at the main driving door, including lighting, seat memory, door lock, rearview mirror, etc., to facilitate the driver to operate. In addition, it can be clearly felt that the number of logistics buttons has decreased, which is also a major trend in the current electric vehicle design. In other designs, the Audi Q6L e-tron front center control armrest area provides two cup holders, a mobile phone charging storage tank and two USB Type-C charging interfaces, and the storage space is still relatively available. The new car uses a lever shift mechanism and retains a few shortcut keys such as driving mode switching, ESP on and off, volume adjustment, reversing auxiliary images, etc.

In terms of power, the Audi Q6L e-tron will be available in both rear-drive and four-wheel drive versions, with a system output power of 255kW in the rear-drive version and 345kW in the four-wheel drive version. In terms of battery life, the Audi Q6L e-tron will be equipped with 107kWh's battery pack, which can exceed the 700km's range under CLTC operating conditions. Thanks to 800V technology, Q6L e-tron can achieve a maximum charging speed of 270kW. Under ideal conditions, charging for 10 minutes can increase the mileage by nearly 260km. If the charging station uses 400V technology to charge, the 800V battery will be automatically divided into two batteries with the same voltage, which can be charged in parallel, with a maximum power of 135 kilowatts.

Audi FAW New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. was established in March 2021, in which Audi and Volkswagen own 60% and FAW 40%, which means that Audi and Volkswagen have the dominant right. In June 2022, Audi FAW's first PPE plant was opened in Changchun, which is Audi's first base in China to specialize in the production of pure electric models. The project is scheduled to be completed in December 2024 and will be put into production of three pure electric models, B+SUV e-tron, B+SAV e-tron and C Lim LWB e-tron, corresponding to Q6 e-tron, Q6 e-tron Sportback and A6L e-tron.

Audi FAW is seen as the key to expanding Audi's lineup of electric vehicles in China and around the world. According to the plan, Audi will only launch pure electric vehicles for the global market from 2026. By 2033, the production of internal combustion engine models will be phased out, when Audi's own production base around the world will be put into the production of electric vehicles. According to the plan, Audi will launch 20 models worldwide in the next three years, 10 of which are pure electric vehicles.

When the new energy vehicle market is in the direction of Skyworth, Audi has to change and transform. At present, Audi already has three joint ventures in China, including FAW-Volkswagen, SAIC Audi and Audi FAW. Audi has more dominance in Audi FAW, which will focus on the development of new energy vehicles. According to Audi's new energy strategy, Audi will invest 35 billion euros by 2025, its pure electric models will reach 20, and about 1/3 of the cars delivered worldwide will come from new energy vehicles; starting from 2026, Audi's new models launched worldwide will all be pure electric models; by 2033, Audi will phase out the last batch of internal combustion engine models and comprehensively accelerate the brand electrification transformation.

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