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20 billion! BMW is an important official.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


AutoBeta( Report--

On April 26th, BMW Group announced plans to invest an additional 20 billion yuan in the Shenyang production base, laying the foundation for the start of local production of BMW's "New Generation" models in 2026.

This is another investment after BMW announced an investment of 10 billion yuan to expand its Shenyang power battery production base in November 2022, and this additional investment of 20 billion yuan will focus on the large-scale upgrading and technological innovation of the brilliance BMW Dadong plant in preparation for BMW's "new generation" model made in Shenyang in 2026.

In April 1994, BMW Group set up a Beijing representative office and officially entered the Chinese market. In March 2003, BMW Group signed a joint venture agreement with brilliance Group to establish brilliance BMW Co., Ltd. At present, brilliance BMW Shenyang production base has become the largest production base of BMW Group in the world, with Dadong factory and Tiexi factory. According to statistics, since 2010, the total investment of BMW's production base in Shenyang has reached 105 billion, while the total investment of the sixth generation power battery project for the "new generation" model has reached 10 billion yuan. At present, its main building has been completed and is expected to be opened in 2026.

BMW Group believes that the move is based on BMW's long-term commitment to the Chinese market. Chi Puze, chairman of BMW Group, also said that the new 20 billion yuan investment plan further highlights China's core position in the future of Intelligent Networked vehicles in BMW Group. By 2026, the first Chinese-made "New Generation" model will be taken off the production base in Shenyang.

At present, the BMW New Generation concept car (BMW Vision Neue Klasse) has been unveiled in China on the eve of the 2024 International Beijing Auto Show. In terms of appearance, the overall shape of the new car is very simple, but it has great brand recognition. Specifically, the front face of the new car uses BMW's iconic double-kidney grille and the classic "Huo-style corner" and other elements, the grille is integrated with the LED headlights on both sides, and the visual effect is full of movement. On the side of the body, the new car is also simple and smooth, and the rear window near the rear fender uses Hoffmeister corner family elements to enhance the sense of movement of the vehicle. In addition, the new car also uses an electronic rearview mirror, but is not equipped with a physical door handle. In the rear part, the new car taillight design style echoes back and forth with the front face, and the taillight design style achieves a profound effect.

In the interior part, the new car also focuses on the minimalist style, the vast majority of the materials in the car are environmentally friendly, and the number of buttons is reduced to the maximum. The center console only retains the steering wheel and large-size suspension screen. BMW panoramic Horizon Bridge will take the lead in the new generation of models to replace the traditional dashboard, in addition, the new car will also be equipped with a new multi-function steering wheel, the overall sense of science and technology.

As a global luxury brand, BMW Group has focused more on the Chinese market in recent years, which has become the largest single market of BMW Group in the world. BMW is investing in electric vehicles in China to accelerate the electrification transformation. In the past 2023, BMW has launched five all-electric models in China, including the BMW iX, BMW i4, BMW iX3, BMW i3 and BMW i7, covering almost all car consumer segments. In addition, in addition to brilliance BMW, BMW Group also has another joint venture in the Chinese market, Beam Automobile Co., Ltd., which was established in December 2019. Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. and BMW (Holland) Holdings each own 50% of the joint venture company, of which BMW (Holland) Holdings is the actual controller. At present, Beamlight's first volume car, the MINI COOPER, and the first pure electric crossover, the MINI Aceman, have been unveiled at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, and the former will be launched in 2024.

The BMW new generation concept car has made its debut in China at this auto show, and the new car will be put into production in the second half of 2025 and made in 2026. For BMW Group, the BMW new generation concept car is not only a new car, but also the beginning of a new product line of BMW, which will become a leap forward in the BMW brand and product direction. According to the plan, BMW will launch more than 20 new models of BMW and MINI brands in China in 2024, and the first mass production BMW new generation model will be launched in 2025, and at least six models will be put into production in the two years after the first model is put into production.

It should be noted that although BMW occupies a large market share in the luxury market, BMW's luxury car advantage is difficult to show in the new era of new energy vehicles. For BMW, if it wants to maintain its position as a pioneer in the industry, it must lay down a territory in China's highly competitive electric market, and it remains to be seen whether the listing of more new cars will lay a solid foundation for BMW China.

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