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9.9 million yuan deal! Zhou Hongyi sold Maybach all over the car circle.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On April 28th, Zhou Hongyi, founder of the 360th Group, held a live auction of Maybach in the building, where bidders gathered a number of used car dealers and more than 780000 people watched it online on an online platform. Earlier, Zhou Hongyi announced that he would sell Maybach S600, which had been with him for nine years, and embrace domestic new energy, which not only attracted a large number of second-hand car dealers, but also allowed many new energy car companies to personally send their cars to the 360 Building to invite them to experience.

Previously, Zhou Hongyi stressed three points in the video: first, no matter what you think of selling cars, I think domestic new energy smart cars will far surpass foreign brands, redefine "luxury cars" and become the first choice for ordinary consumers and entrepreneurs. So you are welcome to watch the live broadcast and use practical actions to recharge domestic cars. Second, someone asked Maybach S600 whether it is selling 600? In that case, the starting price will be set at 600 yuan; third, no matter what the final transaction price is, I will not keep a penny and donate all the money to the Wang Xuan Foundation after tax deduction.

Zhou Hongyi auctioned the 2015 Maybach S600 with a market guidance price of 2.888 million yuan and a current market valuation of 900000 yuan. Zhou Hongyi started the auction with a price of 600 yuan and finally sold for 9.9 million yuan. The highest price was much more than 10,000 times higher than the auction price, and the buyer bought the luxury car Zhou Hongyi had taken at a premium of 10 times.

After the transaction price was announced, Zhou Hongyi was directly confused at the scene: "with a market price of less than 1 million yuan, I expect to double and triple the difference." It is understood that car buyers are fans of Zhou Hongyi and second-hand car dealers. He said that the high price to buy a car is out of recognition of Zhou Hongyi's concept and original intention, embracing domestic new energy with practical actions and cheering for domestic new energy. Zhou Hongyi said at the scene that buyers will have a meal together every year for the next three years. 'some people ask,' what do you get from eating with Zhou Hongyi?'he joked. I do not want to share successful experiences. Every entrepreneur will encounter some difficult and confused moments. I may be the most vulnerable person on the Internet. I have stepped on a lot of holes, but I am more resilient. I can share this aspect. "

Zhou Hongyi said that the purpose of selling Maybach is to demonstrate its determination to embrace domestic new energy. I hope it means the end of an old era and the beginning of a new era. The luxury car field, which was firmly grasped by foreign brands in the past, began to have Chinese power on the stage, and Chinese products may become the remote leaders of this era and become the representatives of a new generation of luxury cars.

Zhou Hongyi, the "Master in Red", has become the top star in the car circle.

The Beijing Auto Show, which returned after a four-year absence, not only brought cooler new models and new technologies, but also became a "show" for commercial "bosses" at the auto show. Xiaomi Group Chairman Lei Jun, Ningde Times Chairman Zeng Yuqun, ideal Automobile founder Li Xiang, Xiaopeng Automobile founder he Xiaopeng and many other "bosses" appeared. Of course, the hottest person this time is the new "Internet celebrity" Zhou Hongyi. Zhou Hongyi, dressed in a red T-shirt, stands out in the crowd, surrounded by all kinds of media and audiences. What is even more surprising is that Zhou Hongyi climbed to the roof of the car in public, and even Li Bin, chairman of Weilai, said to Zhou Hongyi, "pay attention to safety, you are too hot, the red clothes are shining, and the auto show is shining."

Zhou Hongyi, founder, chairman and CEO of the company, has been the "platform" for Nezha car in a variety of ways since the company became a shareholder. However, Zhou Hongyi also said that the purpose of selling Maybach is not to boost the car. "as a product I have invested in, I will certainly use it, but if I only use it, isn't that a frog in the well? if I don't see the gap or the advantages of others, how can I give advice to Nezha and urge him to make progress?"

Zhou Hongyi, founder, chairman and CEO of the company, has been the "platform" for Nezha car in a variety of ways since the company became a shareholder. After Zhou Hongyi announced that he would sell Maybach, nearly 20 domestic brands took the initiative to deliver cars to Zhou Hongyi, including Xiaopeng, Mengjie, Weilai, Avita, extreme Krypton, look up, Ruilan, Deep Blue, Xingway, Warriors, Dongfeng Nano, Naha cars and so on. In the end, Zhou Hongyi only chose to look up to U8, Polar Krypton 009, Dongfeng Warriors and M9, and the car he invested in was not among them.

Zhou Hongyi said that the purpose of selling Maybach is not to build momentum for Nezha's car. "as a product I have invested in, I will certainly use it, but if I only use it, isn't it like building a car behind closed doors and a frog in a well? if I don't see the gap or the advantages of others, how can I give advice to Nezha and urge him to make progress?"

It is understood that 360 Group once invested in Hezhong New Energy, but the cooperation between the two sides was declared broken in less than a year. In June, 2022, the Group announced the transfer of 3.53% of the shares of Naga Automobile for 0 yuan, and the transferee has the obligation to pay 1 billion yuan of investment to Naga Automobile. According to the annual report, as of December 31, 2023, 360 Group held a stake of about 9.3658%, which continued to shrink from the previous period.

Zhou Hongyi became an online celebrity in the car circle, trying to pave the way for the company's development with his personal enthusiasm, just like Lei Jun, and as one of the investors, how to lead the car to the right track is also a top priority. At the auto show, he proposed to Zhang Yong, CEO of the car, to change his name to "Hezhong", and Zhang Yong modestly accepted that he would launch an investigation into the renaming of the car.

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