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The former party committee secretary of a well-known car company has been investigated!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On 28 April, the website of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission released news that according to the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Company and the Supervision Commission of Hubei Provincial discipline Inspection Commission, Lu Chuanwen, former secretary of the party committee of Dongfeng Motor (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., was suspected of seriously violating discipline and breaking the law, and is currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Company and the Supervisory Commission of Yichang City, Hubei Province.

According to Tianyan survey information, Dongfeng Automobile (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. was established in December 1993, formerly known as Dongfeng Renault Automobile Co., Ltd., with legal representative Li Wei, with a registered capital of 4.7063034 billion yuan and paid-in capital of 4.706303 billion yuan. Is an enterprise mainly engaged in the automobile manufacturing industry. The company is wholly owned by Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd.

According to public data, Lu Chuanwen is a "veteran" figure in the Dongfeng Department. He has worked in Dongfeng Company for many years. He has successively served as the Director of the Organization cadre Department of Dongfeng Motor Company, the Director of personnel (cadre) Department of Dongfeng Motor Company, the Vice Minister of personnel (cadre) Department of Dongfeng Motor Company, and the head of Organization Information Department of Dongfeng Motor Company. Party committee secretary, discipline inspection committee secretary, acting trade union chairman of Dongfeng Renault Motor Co., Ltd., party committee secretary of Dongfeng Motor (Wuhan) Co., Ltd.

In April 2017, Lu Chuanwen was appointed secretary of the party committee of Dongfeng Renault, secretary of the discipline Inspection Commission, and acting president of the trade union. In April 2020, Dongfeng Automobile Group announced that in view of the decline in the domestic automobile market and the operating conditions of Dongfeng Renault, Dongfeng Renault planned to reorganize, Renault planned to transfer 50% of its shares to Dongfeng Automobile Group, and Dongfeng Renault stopped the business activities related to the Renault brand. In July 2020, Dongfeng Renault Automobile Co., Ltd. changed its name to Dongfeng Automobile (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., Renault Group withdrew from the ranks of shareholders and became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dongfeng Automobile Group, while Lu Chuanwen continued to serve as the party committee secretary of the company.

In October 2023, the second inspection team of the CPC Central Committee inspected the party committee of Dongfeng Company, and 15 inspection groups worked in the inspected units for about 2 months. At that time, Kong Shenggen, head of the second inspection team of the CPC Central Committee, pointed out that it would inspect and implement the "two responsibilities" of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, highlight the supervision of "top leaders" and leading bodies, and thoroughly look for the problem of corruption in the field of state-owned enterprises.

Since the arrival of the central inspection team, a number of senior executives of Dongfeng Company have been investigated. According to incomplete statistics, the official account of Dongfeng Motor Group discipline Inspection Commission, "Clean Dongfeng", has reported eight violations of Dongfeng Company since 2024. Among them, two senior executives were investigated in April alone, including Pan Jiannian, supervisor of Dongfeng China Dongfeng Automobile Industry Import and Export Co., Ltd., former member of the standing Committee of Dongfeng discipline Inspection Commission, and Wang Shuou, former party committee secretary, discipline inspection secretary, and trade union chairman of Shenlong Automobile Co., Ltd.

In the previous March, four senior executives of Dongfeng Company were also investigated. Including March 12, Chen Yafu, the former chief professional of Dongfeng Light engine Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd. and the Yicheng Supervisory Commission of Hubei Province. On March 19, Lu Weidong, honorary chairman of Dongfeng Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He is currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Company and the Supervisory Committee of Hefeng County, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province. On March 21, Hu Xindong, former executive vice president of Dongfeng Renault Motor Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Company and the Xiangyang City Supervisory Committee of Hubei Province; on March 31, Xu Tiansheng, commercial director of Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious discipline violations and is currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the discipline Inspection Commission of Dongfeng Company and the Shiyan City Supervisory Commission of Hubei Province.

Due to the long industrial chain and large scale, the automobile industry is relatively easy to breed corruption, and it is also a key industry facing the risk of corruption. It should be noted that the operating status of automobile enterprises is highly related to corruption, once corruption is breed, there are likely to be substandard parts and other problems, and then affect the brand reputation and corporate image. In a report published on the website of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission, it was pointed out: "the automobile industry is a key industry facing the risk and challenge of corruption, and we must maintain the intensity of 'punishment', adhere to the main tone of 'strict', build a solid anti-corruption barrier, and strictly prevent 'relying on cars to eat cars'."

In recent years, Dongfeng Company has exposed the problem of corruption one after another, but unlike other automobile groups, as a central enterprise, Dongfeng Company has acted vigorously in the anti-corruption campaign and has never stopped, with "zero tolerance" for corruption. including senior executives who have left or retired have also been investigated.

The relevant person in charge of Dongfeng Company once told the media: "since the 18th CPC National Congress put forward eight regulations, Dongfeng Company's anti-corruption work has begun one after another. For Dongfeng Company, anti-corruption work has been going on, and has become a regular work." In addition, the former chairman and party committee secretary of Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. also said at the meeting that no matter who, no matter how senior and important his position is, as long as he violates party discipline and state law, he will be seriously investigated and severely punished.

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