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Brand new product series! Volkswagen ID.UX named "turning stone into gold"

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A few days ago, Volkswagen Anhui announced the name of its new category, ID.UX Dianshi Gold, and the first pure electric SUV--ID.UNYX was unveiled with the public, but it was not fully unveiled in public, but was covered by a reflective glass house, and the relevant details of the vehicle can only be seen against the glass.

It is understood that the ID.UX is a new product line made by Volkswagen in Anhui, and all new cars under this category will use the golden Volkswagen logo, and the ID.UNYX is the first model in the series. According to the plan, five pure electric models will be launched in Volkswagen Anhui by 2027. By 2030, Volkswagen will be pure electric ID. Family products will be expanded to 16 models.

ID.UNYX is the first pure electric SUV under Volkswagen Anhui, which is called "Yuzhong" in Chinese. It is based on the MEB platform and will be released and listed this year. According to previous reports, Volkswagen Anhui owns Cupra brand and Volkswagen brand, Tavascan is the model of Cupra brand, which is mainly supplied overseas, while ID.UNYX is the model of Volkswagen brand, which is sister to Tavascan and mainly supplies domestic models.

From the point of view of the real car at the auto show, ID.UNYX and the public adopt a more radical design style in appearance, which is the same as other ID currently on sale. The model is completely different. As a pure electric SUV,ID.UNYX and public's front face is very fierce, especially when the daylight is lit to show the effect, at the same time, the front is surrounded by a wide diversion groove, the interior is also integrated with black strips, combined with the diversion curve to create a very aggressive style. The new headlamp group uses a highly recognizable triangular light source layout, with a sharp headlight group shape and a muscular front cover, making the front part of the car more aggressive.

In the rear part of the car, the ID.UNYX and the public adopt the slip-back shape, and the taillights adopt the popular penetrating design, so that the unique public logo is marked by "ID.UNYX" at the bottom, "Volkswagen" on the left and "Yizhong" on the right. In terms of size, ID.UNYX length, width and height are 4663/1860/1610mm, wheelbase is 2766mm, positioning compact coupe SUV.

In terms of interior decoration, with reference to the sister model Cupra Tavascan, it is expected that ID.UNYX and the public will adopt a concise design style. apart from the emergency flasher switch, there are almost no physical buttons on the center console, and all the functional controls are integrated in the large-size central control screen, but many physical buttons and knobs are retained on the multi-function steering wheel.

In terms of power, the ID.UNYX will be equipped with a power system composed of front and rear double motors, with a maximum power of 250kW and a peak torque of 679Nm. It is expected that a single motor version will be launched. In terms of batteries, the car is equipped with ternary lithium battery packs produced by Ningde era.

The next products of ID. UX will be developed and manufactured by Volkswagen Hefei Intelligent Network Union Electric vehicle Center in Anhui Province. Volkswagen Group is building Hefei into the world's leading intelligent networking automotive innovation and R & D center, forming a complete value chain covering production, R & D, testing, sales and marketing, as well as customer service. Focus on the production of the next generation of electric, smart, fully connected cars.

According to the plan, by 2027, ID. UX will launch five smart pure electric models with the golden Volkswagen brand logo, including different categories such as SUV and cars. It has been revealed that the second and third models are likely to be launched in 2025 and 2026, with ID. The family has formed a differentiated positioning, specifically aimed at Chinese consumers, and there will be hunting models in the future.

Volkswagen China CEO Baird revealed that Volkswagen aims to become one of the top three car companies in China by 2030, and the brand will launch at least 12 new fuel models and six hybrid models. In order to achieve the above goals, Volkswagen plans to complete two new model platforms in the next three years, which will be launched in Hefei, and the four models will also be the main models of Volkswagen in Anhui in the future. battery, electric drive and motor solutions for the Chinese market are priced between 14 and 170000 yuan. In addition, Volkswagen China is also working with Xiaopeng Motor to launch its first model in 2026. Starting in 2026, Volkswagen plans to produce at least four entry-level models based on the CMP. Through the parallel development of multiple platforms, Volkswagen will provide Chinese consumers with products covering all market segments to meet the needs of users in an all-round way.

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