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The latest complaint list: two brands become "hardest hit areas"

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to the statistics of "car quality Network", a total of 13213 effective complaints from car owners were accepted in April 2024, down 45.5% from the previous month and up 12.2% from the same period last year, setting a new record for the same period in history. In April, the effective complaint information involved a total of 857 models, with a total of 220 models with complaints of more than double digits.

According to the TOP30 list of vehicle Complaints in April 2024, the top 10 brands on the list are BYD, FAW Toyota, Changan Automobile and smart. Among them, BYD has five models on the list, including Destroyer 05, Seagull, Song PLUS New Energy, Qin PLUS and Han models. The reasons for complaints all cover "price changes", but most of the complaints have declined compared with March, such as March. The number of complaints against destroyers 05 dropped to 300 from 1236 in March. Song PLUS new energy dropped from 990 to 94, Qin PLUS from 777 to 77, and Han Dynasty from 905 to 77. However, the number of complaints against seagulls rose significantly in April, to 258 from 53 in March.

A number of car owners said that not long after they bought seagull models, the manufacturers cut prices sharply, so car owners were unbalanced and asked for compensation. An owner of 2023 free seagulls said: "in less than half a year, the official price of BYD Seagull car was greatly reduced by 6,000, and the car purchase discount was paid for by harming the rights and interests of consumers. The quality of this price reduction promotion backstab car owners, BYD officials are extremely disappointed with the Internet, and asked the official to give compensation plan."

In addition to the top 10 of the list, seals, Yuan PLUS, Song Pro New Energy and Tang New Energy were also complained about "price changes" and other reasons.

For other brands, Changan Yida and smart Genie # 1 were both complained of "price change, policy change" to the fourth and tenth places on the list. Among them, a 2022 Premium version of smart genie # 1 owner said: "the new car price reduction, free seat ventilation and steering wheel heating, old car owners need to pay to open, this is unacceptable, please turn on seat ventilation for old car owners, steering wheel heating, the opened network points return."

It is understood that on April 14, the new versions of the new smart Spirit # 1 and the new smart Spirit # 3 were officially launched. Among them, the new smart genie # 1 launched three configuration models with an official guidance price of 15.49-199900 yuan, a reduction of 24200 yuan compared with the 2024 smart genie # 1 Pro+ models.

In addition, Wuling Xingguang was complained about "price change; mileage is not allowed" to 17th on the list; Roewe D7 was complained about "price change; sales promise is not fulfilled" to 30th on the list. Generally speaking, most of the models mentioned above are complained about because of "price changes", that is to say, there are no quality problems. Because of market competition, it is understandable for car companies to speed up the updating of vehicle products and change the price, but after the price change, especially the sharp price reduction, if the car company cannot appease the old car owners in time, it is easy to make the old car owners feel unbalanced, therefore, in this case, some car owners will also provide some compensation for the rights and interests of the old car owners. "Automotive Industry concern" believes that a long-term "price war" will disrupt the normal market order, which is not a healthy development model for the whole automobile industry, and automobile companies should enhance their market competitiveness by upgrading their technology and innovation capabilities.

FAW Toyota is also the hardest hit area in the list of vehicle complaint TOP30 in April 2024. FAW Toyota Ruizhi, RAV4 Rongfang, Corolla, Crown, Corolla Ruifang models are all on the list, RAV4 Rongfang due to "car body rust; system upgrade problems" was complained to the sixth on the list; Ruizhi, Carola and Crown are all old problems-"instrument cracking; parts aging"; Carola Ruifang is complained of "exhaust failure; system upgrade problem".

In addition, among Japanese brands, GAC Fengtian Leiling and Camry are also on the list. Lei Ling is complained about "exhaust failure; engine oil leakage"; Camry is complained about "system upgrade problems, audio and video system failures" to the 22th place on the list, with 40 complaints in April. Dongfeng Nissan's Teana, Xuanyi and Qijun were also complained to 11th, 19th and 26th respectively because of "system upgrade problems, audio and video system failure", "system upgrade problems, car body rust", and "system upgrade problems, unable to accelerate".

In addition to the above models, two FAW-Volkswagen models have also been complained about, namely, Maiteng and Suiteng, respectively, for "gearbox computer board failure; unable to shift gear"; "tyre cracking, gearbox drag".

Automobile as a large amount of consumer goods, complaints are directly related to the safety and quality of consumers, so they have been concerned by consumers. Generally speaking, from the whole complaint list in April, in the "April 2024 vehicle complaint TOP30 list", most of the "price changes" appeared in independent brands, and most of the models complained about were hot models in the car market, but fortunately, the number and proportion of complaints from independent brands dropped sharply. Japanese brands, on the other hand, focused on "system upgrade issues". By contrast, the proportion of complaints from joint venture brands rebounded, but the number of complaints fell 18.5 per cent month-on-month.

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