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Or name "bosom friend"! The new model of Lantu has been exposed.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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In the latest issue of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology declaration catalogue, "Automotive Industry concern" found that the new SUV model of Lantu Automobile has appeared in the declaration catalogue. The car was previously code-named H37 and positioned as a pure electric medium-sized SUV, which is lower than Lantu FREE, or it may become a new entry-level product of the Lantu automobile family, and the price may also be explored. In addition, according to the vehicle nameplate, the new car is expected to be named after "Lantu bosom friend".

In terms of appearance, the new car provides two kinds of front face styling, the main difference lies in the grille area, one of which uses the same color closed grille design, the other grille is concave, and the interior is a matrix arrangement of luminous Lantu logo. The rest are consistent with the through-type lamp belt design, the headlights on both sides are slender, and the fog lamp area is equipped with light source, and the vents above the hatch are fumigated, which makes the visual effect more young and fashionable.

On the side of the body, the new car adopts the popular floating roof and two-color body design, equipped with hidden door handles, and the black closed rim specification is 255gambit 45R20. In the rear part of the car, the new car adopts a family design and is equipped with a through light belt, which has the same internal structure as Lantu, which has a high degree of recognition, and the rear enclosure is surrounded by a diffuser design, which is matched with the top spoiler and the rear box duck tail design. further enhance the movement flavor of the rear.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4725, 1900 and 1636 (1653) mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2900mm, which is lower than that of Lantu FREE. For comparison, the length, width and height of Lantu FREE are 4905/1950/1645mm and wheelbase 2960mm respectively.

In the interior part, previous spy photos showed that the new car is expected to be equipped with a large floating central control screen design. In terms of power, the new car offers two versions of single motor and dual motor. The single motor model provides two different specifications of drive motor with a maximum power of 215 kilowatts and 230 kilowatts, and the maximum power of the front and rear motors of the dual motor model is 160 kilowatts.

It is reported that the new car will be built by Lantu in cooperation with Huawei and will be equipped with Huawei's smart cockpit and smart driving system. In January this year, Dongfeng Lantu and Huawei official Xuan formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Lantu Automobile said that according to their respective advantages, the two sides will jointly create the ultimate intelligent travel experience around the needs of users, and accelerate the large-scale commercialization of intelligent technology through innovative exploration of cooperative models in many fields. However, at that time, the two sides did not disclose the mode of cooperation between the two sides and the specific model, and whether the final cooperation model is the above model has yet to be further confirmed by the authorities.

Lantu Automobile is a high-end intelligent electric brand of Dongfeng Automobile Group, which was founded in 2018 and officially released its brand logo and Chinese name in July 2020. Up to now, there are three models of Lantu FREE, Lantu Dreamer and Lantu Yuguang under Lantu Automobile. The first model, Lantu FREE, went on sale in June 2021 and is currently priced at 266900 yuan; the Lantu Dreamer was listed in May 2022, and the current PHEV price is 33.99-419900 yuan; the Lantu Dreamer EV price is 33.99-689900 yuan; and Lantu Yuguang listed in April 2023, the current price is 32.29-385900 yuan.

Retail data show that from January to April this year, the cumulative sales of Lantu cars was 20347, the highest selling model was the Lantu Dreamer, which was 10862, and the Lantu FREE and Lantu Yuguang distribution were 6877 and 2608.

According to the plan, Lantu's car sales target for the year is 100000, double that of 2023. According to this calculation, in the first four months of this year, the annual sales completion rate of Lantu was only 20.34%.

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