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The car owner was killed by an electric tent on the roof. The Great Wall Gun responded.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On May 15, # the owner of the Great Wall gun was killed by an electric tent on the roof. The topic # rushed to the list of hot searches on Weibo. According to reports, on May 13, a netizen reported that the owner of a Great Wall Artillery car in Chengdu had been killed by an electric roof tent and questioned the hidden danger of the vehicle, which triggered widespread concern and discussion on the Internet. According to reports, the accident occurred when the owner entered the tent during the rise of the vehicle electric tent.

On the morning of May 15, the Great Wall Gun and the electric tent brand Akano of the Great Wall involved issued statements respectively in response to the above incident.

Great Wall Gun, owned by Great Wall Motor, said in a statement on its official Weibo on May 15 that it attached great importance to and deeply saddened users in Chengdu while using Shanhai roof tents, and expressed deep condolences to the victims. At present, we are closely following the progress of the investigation of this incident, and will do our best to assist Akano brand, actively cooperate with relevant departments in the investigation, and provide all necessary support to the family members.

In addition, the involved tent brand Akiyadi (Xiamen) Outdoor equipment Technology Co., Ltd. pointed out in a statement that Akiyodi brand, as the developer of Shanhai camping tent, organized a team to the scene on the day of the accident to cooperate with the investigation of all parties. According to the preliminary understanding of multi-party information, the accident occurred when the user entered the tent during the rise of the electric tent.

According to reports, the vehicle involved is the Great Wall Gun model owned by the Great Wall Gun. The owner bought the car on April 25. The car was picked up for just half a month, and the purchase price was 270000 yuan, while the tent involved was the roof tent developed by Akiyodi for the Great Wall Gun. The Beijing News "Emergency call" reported that on May 11, the car owner had an accident while operating the tent to the top, during which a friend of the car owner tried unsuccessfully to operate the key to save lives. A friend of the owner said that the top tent of the car was installed in the original factory of the 4S store, and the quality was very unstable. On the morning of May 11, the owner went to the 4S store for maintenance and inspection, but showed no problem. On May 14, the relevant person in charge of the Great Wall car sales side said that the relevant personnel had docked with their families. The manufacturer of the roof tent involved said: "at present, it seems that the accident is caused by the failure of the parties to follow the instructions, and we are cooperating with notarization and finding out the truth."

Data show that the model involved in the accident, Great Wall Shanhai Gun, is a pickup truck owned by Great Wall Motor, positioning large-scale high-performance luxury pickups, while Shanhaiju is a new species of pickup camping jointly created by Great Wall pickup and outdoor equipment brand Wild Land Akano, that is, "Shanhai Cannon + automatic lifting hardtop vehicle tent".

Akiyadi is an outdoor equipment manufacturer, including rooftop tents, instant tents, inflatable tents, ordinary tents, outdoor lighting and outdoor furniture, according to SkyEye. Akiyodi (Xiamen) Outdoor equipment Technology Co., Ltd. was established in April 2002. it was formerly known as Akiyadi (Xiamen) Camping supplies Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of US $6 million and paid-in capital of US $160000. Is an enterprise mainly engaged in the textile industry.

Shanhaiju was first launched at the Guangzhou Auto Show in 2022 and has been unveiled at major auto shows since then. According to reports, Shanhaiju is customized to develop a compound functional form of edge ledger space, high cover space and roof tent for pick-up trucks without affecting the basic functions of both passenger and cargo. The car adopts double X cross arm support design, can be one-button electric lift, can achieve 1.5m high, upper and lower two-story 5-inch internal space.

The accident brought great grief to the families of the victims and sounded a safety alarm for the automobile industry. With the development of the automobile industry, more and more car owners choose to refit the vehicle in order to improve the appearance and performance of the vehicle, but no matter how to modify the vehicle, the most important thing is to ensure safety.

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