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More than 18%! It is said that the ideal automobile layoffs

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to the 21st Century Business Herald, a new round of company-wide personnel optimization is under way after the May Day holiday, with an overall optimization ratio of more than 18%. Among them, the sales and service operation department optimizes more than 400 people; the recruitment department will be reduced from more than 200 to 40-50; and the smart driving team will be reduced to less than 1000.

According to the financial report, by the end of 2023, ideal Automobile has a total of 31591 employees, ranking second among the three car companies. For comparison, there are 32820 employees of Xilai Automobile and 13550 employees of Xiaopeng Motor.

If the above news is true, calculated according to the proportion of 18%, it means that the overall optimization of the ideal car will involve 5600 people. According to the report, people familiar with the matter said that management approved the final list of layoffs at the end of April, and the current round of optimization started in the first week of May and ended at the end of May, giving compensation to the optimizers. In response to the above news, as of press time, ideal Motor has not made a response, it is not clear whether the news of ideal Automobile layoffs is true.

At the beginning of last month, ideal Motors was also revealed to have slashed its budget and laid off staff. At that time, an account claiming to be an ideal auto employee revealed on the social platform that the approval of the new offer was suspended and that there would be a small number of stocks above 17 (level) posts, but it might be linked to performance and other reviews, and low performance could not be cashed out. Ideal total budget reduction of more than 30%, as the current staffing structure is still in accordance with the annual target sales of 800000 vehicles, relatively redundant personnel, the next step will be layoffs. In response to this ideal car, online layoffs and sharp budget cuts are false news.

Ideal car was founded in 2015. before June 2022, ideal car relies on ideal ONE to dominate the world. in June 2023, ideal ONE stops production and sale, and officially withdraws from the historical stage. Today, the product matrix of ideal car has reached five models, including ideal L9, ideal L8, ideal L7, ideal MEGA and ideal L6, among which ideal MEGA and ideal L6 are new cars on the market this year. What needs to be faced squarely is that although the ideal car has bid farewell to the era in which a model dominates the world, its life is not easy, especially since 2024, it is facing more challenges.

On March 1 this year, ideal MEGA officially went on sale with a price of 559800 yuan. As the first pure electric car and the first MPV model of ideal car, the car is very important to the development of ideal car this year, so it is highly expected. In Li Xiang's view, MEGA has the characteristics of popular style, is confident to become the first sales of all passenger cars above 500000, and has set a radical sales target for the car. However, the car failed to achieve the desired effect after it was launched.

According to the plan, at the beginning of the year, ideal Automobile Chairman Li Xiang set an annual sales target of 800000 vehicles this year, challenging the sales of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi in China, and achieving the first sales of luxury brands in the Chinese market. But after the defeat of the ideal MEGA, the highly advanced ideal car let go of the "fast forward button". According to a circulating investor note, ideal has adjusted its annual sales target of 800000 vehicles to 560000 to 640000, while the ideal MEGA sales guidance has been lowered from 8000 to 2000 per month.

Since then, ideal car began to actively reflect and strive to make innovation. On March 21, Li wants to release a full letter internally, reflecting on the rhythm and sales volume of the ideal MEGA, as well as making targeted adjustments to product management, distributors, charging network layout and sales expectations. In the internal letter, Li Xiang admitted that there had been a misjudgment in his grasp of the rhythm of the market. On the same day, ideal announced that it had cut its delivery forecast for the first quarter of 2024 from 10-103000 to 7. 6-78000, with an overall cut of 2. 4-22000.

On April 3, ideal Automobile issued an all-staff announcement, announcing the upgrade of the matrix organization, involving the organizational structure adjustment of several departments, hoping to solve the sales crisis. On April 18, the ideal L6 launched the Pro version and the Max version, the price is 249800 yuan and 279800 yuan respectively, the car positioning five-seat medium-sized SUV, focusing on the 25-300000 yuan household market, becoming the first ideal car model less than 300000 yuan, shouldering the important task of increasing the ideal car market in 2024 On April 22nd, ideal Auto Guan Xuan cut prices for all its L7, L8, L9 and MEGA models, including a price reduction of 1.8-20000 yuan for the L-series and 30000 yuan for MEGA, as well as cash rewards for owners of 2024 L7, L8, L9 and MEGA models.

As for the series of innovations carried out by the ideal car during the year, the industry generally believes that it is to stimulate sales. At present, ideal car is accelerating the launch of new cars. According to the product plan, ideal car will launch a total of 8 new cars with 4 extended range and 4 pure electric vehicles in 2024, so as to hit the annual sales target.

The latest figures show that a total of 106187 ideal cars were delivered from January to April this year, an increase of 35.68 per cent over the same period last year. Of these, 25787 were in April, up 0.4 per cent from a year earlier and down 11.03 per cent from a month earlier.

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