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Joint venture brand decline! Changan Automobile sales announced

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to KuaiBao, Changan Automobile released its latest production and sales on June 7, Changan Automobile sales in May were 206800 units, up 3.29% from a year earlier. Of these, 55000 vehicles were sold by independent brands of new energy, an increase of 87.76 percent over the same period last year. By the end of May, Changan Automobile had sold a total of 1.109 million vehicles this year, up 12.03% from the same period last year. Of this total, 683600 autonomous passenger cars were sold, an increase of 8.53% over the same period last year.

In May, Changan Automobile's joint venture brands all declined. Of course, the decline of joint venture brands has had little impact on Changan Automobile, accounting for 11.5% of Changan Automobile's total sales. Among them, Changan Ford sold 17900 vehicles, down 8.26% from the same period last year; Changan Mazda sold 5963 vehicles, down 13.60% from the same period last year. However, the cumulative sales of the two joint ventures increased year-on-year. Among them, Changan Ford increased by 17.61% over the same period last year, and Changan Mazda increased by 26.33% compared with the same period last year.

Compared with joint venture brands, independent brands pay more attention to it. According to the plan, Changan Automobile plans to stop selling fuel vehicles in 2025, which means that time for electrification transformation is running out, and judging from the current market performance, Changan vehicles still fuel vehicles maintain the tone of the market, but the layout of the new energy vehicle market has begun to show results. During the reporting period, Changan New Energy passenger car sales were 55000, an increase of 87.76% over the same period last year, accounting for 26.7% of the total sales.

It is understood that at present, Changan Automobile mainly operates new energy brands including Changan Qiyuan, Deep Blue Automobile, Avita Technology, Deep Blue Automobile focus on add-on models, Avita focuses on the high-end pure electricity market, and Qiyuan brand focuses on digital intelligence. From the perspective of market performance, Deep Blue Automobile and Changan Qiyuan series both showed substantial growth, with Changan Qiyuan series delivering 13557 new cars in May, Deep Blue cars delivering 14371 vehicles and Avita delivering 4569 vehicles.

At the end of 2023, Changan Automobile carried out personnel adjustment, and the leaders of its Avita and Shenlan brands were respectively headed by the chairman and president of Changan Group. Among them, Wang Jun, president of Changan Automobile, will also serve as chairman of the deep blue brand of Changan Automobile, and Deng Chenghao, CEO of Deep Blue Automobile, will be promoted to vice president of Changan Automobile and serve as CEO of Deep Blue Automobile at the same time. Zhu Huarong, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Changan Automobile, served as chairman of Avita Technology, Wang Xiaofei, vice president and chairman of Shenlan Automobile, assisted him in his work. Tan Benhong, former chairman and CEO of Avita, stepped down to become deputy secretary of the party committee of Changan Automobile and will no longer hold any position in Avita. Avita announced that Chen Zhuosheng, vice president of Avita, was appointed president, taking over the operation and management of Avita.

Deep Blue and Avita have successively changed their chairmen, and the "top leaders" are held by the most senior leaders of the group, which means that Changan Automobile attaches greater importance to new energy brands. Zhu Huarong and Wang Jun are at a higher level inside Changan Automobile and can give greater support to Avita and Deep Blue in terms of resource integration and investment.

Looking forward to 2024, Changan Automobile said that the company will launch a number of new and modified products, including 8 new energy products, including E07, C798, Deep Blue G318, Avita 15 and other models. It is understood that the goal of Changan Automobile in 2024 is to strive to achieve production and sales of more than 2.65 million vehicles, an increase of only 100000 vehicles over 2023. In 2030, Changan Automobile will strive to achieve sales of 5 million vehicles, including 4 million independent units, 3 million-3.5 million new energy sales and 1.2 million overseas sales.

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