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350,000 Class Deluxe MPV? Zhao Changjiang: 13000 new orders for D9 in May

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Tengli sales Division, said in a post on personal social platform on May 21: "Tencent D9 has become the 350000-class luxury MPV champion, and more than 13000 new orders are expected this month."


Teng Teng D9 is the first MPV model launched by Teng Teng brand Huanxin, which went on sale on August 23rd, 2022. New car positioning in large-scale high-end MPV, a total of DM-i super hybrid version and pure electric power options, the price is 32.98-459800 yuan. Among them, the DM-i super hybrid version has four models, the price is 32.98-439800 yuan, and the pure electric version has three models, the price is 38.98-459800 yuan. After listing, competitive products include Buick GL8, Toyota Sena, Lantu Dreamer, Polar Krypton 009 and other models.

As the first MPV model after the brand Huanxin, Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD, and Zhao Changjiang, general manager of the sales department of Teng Teng, have high hopes for it. Wang Chuanfu once said: "since its listing on August 23, Tengli D9 has won more than 30, 000 orders, reshaping the market pattern of luxury MPV." Zhao Changjiang said: Tengli D9 also exceeds one million MPV in terms of safety, handling and intelligence.

At the Shanghai auto show last month, Zhao Changjiang told the media that "the Teng Teng D9 will snatch the MPV market of all fuel cars after its launch." "now we are at the top of the 350000 level, GL8 has more than 200,000 products, 60 per cent of the products are in more than 200,000 products, and the remaining 40 per cent sell about 5,000 vehicles, so we are far ahead of GL8," it said.


Domestic MPV sales fell 1.0% year-on-year to 1.079 million vehicles in 2021, and then fell again to 943000 vehicles in 2022, down 12.6% from a year earlier, according to the Federation of passengers. Among the subdivided models, the latest data from New car Traffic Insurance show that only Wuling Hongguang and Buick GL8 sold more than 100, 000 vehicles in 2022, of which Wuling Hongguang is still the first in sales, but fell 32.09% to 131600 compared with 2021. Buick GL8 was 118300, followed by Sena, with sales of 74700. However, with the entry of Buick's flagship MPV, Lantu Dreamer, Teng Teng D9, FAW Toyota Grevia and Hongqi brand-new MPV, the domestic MPV car market pattern in 2023 has once again undergone an obvious reshuffle.


Tengli D9 sales from January to April 2023 were 6438, 7325, 10398 and 10368 respectively, with a cumulative sales of 34529 in the first four months, ranking third in the MPV retail sales list in the previous April, second only to Buick GL8, according to retail data from the Federation of passengers. Zhao Changjiang revealed that with the addition of the original four-seater model of the Tengli D9 PREMIER, the Tengli D9 could sell 12000 vehicles in September and 15000 by the end of the year.

According to the plan, the Tengli brand will also launch the Tengli N7, which is the second model launched after the brand Huanxin, and it is also the first SUV after the brand Huanxin. According to official data, the cumulative order for the previous Tengli N7 reached 10569 cars after seven days of blind booking.

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