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All of a sudden! Great Wall Motor reported on BYD

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On May 25, the official Wechat official account of Great Wall Motor issued a statement saying that it had submitted reporting materials to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on April 11, reporting that BYA Qin PLUS DM-i (product model: BYD7152WT6HEVC2) and Song PLUS DM-i (product model BYD6470ST6HEV2) were suspected of substandard evaporative pollutants emissions from their vehicles using atmospheric fuel tanks.


According to the provisions of the measures for Environmental Administrative punishment, the competent department of environmental protection shall conduct a preliminary examination of the illegal acts suspected of violating the laws, regulations and rules of environmental protection, and file a case if the following four conditions are met after examination:

1. Suspected violations of environmental protection laws, regulations and rules

2. Administrative penalties shall or may be given according to law

3. Fall under the jurisdiction of this organ

4. The date from the occurrence of the illegal act to the date of discovery shall not exceed 2 years, except as otherwise provided by law. If the illegal act is in a continuous or continuous state, it shall be counted from the date of the end of the act.

In response to this matter, BYD issued an official statement saying that the company firmly opposes any form of unfair competition and reserves the right to legal proceedings. BYD said in a statement that according to the situation mentioned by the Great Wall, the test vehicles were purchased, kept and arranged for inspection by the Great Wall, and that the China Automobile Center (Tianjin) carried out tests on related projects in accordance with the requirements of the Great Wall. Strictly speaking, the inspection status of the test vehicle that does not meet the requirements of the national standard, that is, it should be sampled, kept and submitted for inspection by a third party, and it is required to complete the test after running-in of 3000 km, while the mileage of the vehicle submitted for inspection of the Great Wall is only 450km to 670km. In view of the above, BYD believes that its test report is invalid, and Great Wall cannot be used as a basis.


Great Wall Motor and BYD are both well-known domestic automakers, especially Great Wall Automobile, whose Harvard H6 has topped the SUV list for many years in a row. However, after BYD announced the suspension of fuel car production, sales of PHEV and EV models increased across the board, surpassing FAW-Volkswagen as the best-selling passenger car company in 2022, with year-on-year sales up 208.64% to 1.8635 million, while Great Wall sales fell 17.12% year-on-year to 1.0617 million. Harvard H6's halo has also disappeared.

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Under the pressure of the market environment, Great Wall Motor is also actively transforming to new energy, and the newly launched Qiaolong / Qiaolong MAX are also competitive models that refer directly to BYD Song Pro/ Song PLUS. Today, BYD Song Pro Champion Edition officially went on sale.

Affected by the incident, the share price of Great Wall fell 5% and BYD fell 1%.

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