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Will there be a price increase? The new generation of Elfa real car pictures have been exposed.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A set of real car pictures of brand-new Elfa models have been exposed online. As a replacement model, from the exposure of the real car picture, the new car has a comprehensive upgrade of the appearance and interior, the new car is expected to be launched on June 21, may be introduced to the domestic market this year.

In terms of appearance, the front face of the new car adopts a brand-new design, and the visual effect of the whole vehicle is quite impacting with a large area of air intake. China net is supplemented by dot matrix design to replace the net format design of the current model. In addition, compared with the current model, the design shape of the new car headlight group is more sharp, and the fog lights on both sides are made of chrome-plated strips and black panels, which looks very domineering.


The side of the car body, combined with the espionage photos previously exposed on the Internet, shows that the new car's side waistline adopts a brand-new Z-shaped broken line design and chrome-plated decoration, and the waistline slides down the rear to show the beauty of the curve. In addition, the new car is expected to cancel the iconic B-pillar shape of the cash model, while the new car side sliding door track is still hidden.


There are also obvious changes in the rear part of the new car. The new car uses a black panel to replace the large area chrome-plated panel of the current model, which shows more youthful and athletic visual effect, while the taillight adopts a more straight and concise design, and the English letter "ALPHARD" is added to the tail mark.


In the interior part, combined with the previous Elfa's preview chart, the new car will adopt the latest design style, the center console will adopt an embracing design, and it is equipped with a suspended multimedia display screen. The air conditioning control area and the central air outlet are integrated in the lower part of the multimedia display. At the same time, the new car also uses a three-spoke multi-function steering wheel similar to the new generation crown style and a new miniaturized electronic shift lever, with a full sense of science and technology as a whole.

In terms of seat layout, the exposed model adopts a space layout of three rows and seven seats of 2x2x3, in which the second row of double freestanding seats adopts a new design style with two independent touch screen control panels and a large panoramic skylight on the roof.

In terms of power, according to foreign media reports, the new car is expected to continue to use a hybrid system composed of 2.5L gasoline engine and 2.5L gasoline engine + motor, of which the latest 2.5L in-line 4-cylinder naturally aspirated direct injection engine DMY 4S, maximum power 205hp, peak torque 250Nm, matched by E-CVT/CVT CVT, and there are two-wheel-drive and four-wheel-drive models for consumers to choose.

Elfa is a luxury MPV developed by Toyota in response to Nissan's Elgrand and Honda Elysion models. The original model was launched in 2002 and has so far iterated to the third generation. The car currently on sale in China is the third-generation Elfa, which was launched in Japan in January 2015 and sold in domestic imports in June. It has been on the market for seven years. As the design of the model is more cool than the previous two generations of models, it was unanimously praised by many consumers after its listing. In addition, there were fewer high-end MPV models in China at that time, so it was once "in short supply", and there was a phenomenon that the car could only be bought by a price increase of 400000. Since then, the car has been known as "price increase magic car" and "star nanny car".


According to new car traffic insurance data, domestic passenger car sales totaled 20.577 million in 2022, down 2.9 per cent from the same period last year, of which 978000 models were sold in the MPV field, accounting for about 4.8 per cent. Among the subdivided models, Elfa, which locates high-end MPV models, sold 21000 vehicles, down 12.23% from a year earlier.


As more car companies have joined the MPV in the past two years, Toyota Elfa's market share has been gradually eroded. From January to April 2023, cumulative retail sales in the domestic narrow passenger car market fell 1.3 per cent year-on-year to 5.896 million vehicles, with MPV model sales rising 14.7 per cent year-on-year to 338000 vehicles, accounting for 5.7 per cent, according to the latest retail data from the Federation of passengers. Among the subdivided models, new car traffic insurance data show that Elfa sold 1574 vehicles in April.

At present, the price range of Elfa models in China is 839000-928000 yuan, which mainly competes with Mercedes-Benz V-class top configuration (646800 yuan), Wilfa (83.90-920000 yuan) and Lexus LM (116.60-1.466 million yuan). It is understood that the new generation of Elfa is based on the TNGA architecture, and the GR Sport sports version will not be ruled out in the future. at the same time, the configuration and power of the new car may be greatly improved. if this new generation of Toyota Elfa has improved in configuration and power, it may bring new user attention. Up to now, the information on the new generation of Toyota Elfa models in the market is still very limited, and "Automotive Industry attention" will continue to pay attention to the progress of new cars.

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