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It has been on the market for less than a month! Harvard hot models announced price reduction

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, according to the official Wechat account of Harvard, the Harvard 618 New Energy car purchase Festival has been launched, and the purchase of Harvard owl dragon series can enjoy a discount of 2000 yuan to 8000 yuan. It is worth noting that the two models of the Harvard Owl Dragon series have been on the market for less than a month.


According to relevant information, on May 15, the Harvard brand released a new new energy strategy and launched a series of new energy products, Harvard Owl Dragon. Two of the brand's models, the Qiaolong / Qiaolong MAX, are also on the market at the same time, both of which are plug-in models. Among them, Harvard owl dragon positioning compact SUV, launched a total of 3 models, the price range is 13.98-156800 yuan. Qiaolong MAX positioning medium-sized SUV, a total of three configuration models, the price range of 15.98-179800 yuan, is the first model equipped with Hi4 intelligent hybrid four-wheel drive system. According to the official disclosure earlier, the owl dragon will also launch pure electric models at the end of the year, which will bring stronger competitiveness through the product matrix of pure electricity + plug-in power.



When looking up the content of Harvard's official Wechat account, the auto industry found that it was not only the Harvard Owl Dragon series that launched time-limited discounts, but also the entire line of Harvard Dogs that launched time-limited cash events. According to the poster, from June 1 to June 30, you can enjoy a cash discount of 12000 yuan for the purchase of the entire Harvard Dog model, along with 12 basic maintenance services for 6 years. It is understood that at present, there are 19 models on sale under the Haver Dog series, with a price range of 11.99 to 167900 yuan. After deducting the official discount of 12000 yuan, the price range of the Harvard Dog series is 10.79-155900 yuan.


Of course, in the context of the increasing popularity of the car market in 2023, it is not surprising that Harvard's owl dragon series and Harvard Dog offer time-limited discounts. Harvard brand as the sales pillar of Great Wall, its sales are not very bright after entering 2023.

Figures show that sales of the Harvard brand fell 24.58 per cent year-on-year to 125773 in the first quarter. The stall of the Harvard brand has something to do with its model planning. At present, the models listed by the Harvard brand are mainly concentrated in the compact SUV market, including Harvard H6, Harvard Red Rabbit, Harvard first Love, Harvard Dog, Harvard Cool Dog and so on. The price and positioning of these models are very close, which aggravates the internal friction of the same class products.


In addition, Great Wall Motor did not perform well in the first quarter of this year. According to relevant data, the revenue and profit of Great Wall Motor showed negative growth in the first quarter. The revenue of Great Wall Motor in the first quarter was 29.039 billion yuan, down 13.63% from the same period last year. The net profit was 174 million yuan, down 89.34% from the same period last year. The non-net loss was 217 million yuan, down 116.65% from the same period last year. To this end, Great Wall has also made a series of adjustments to its brands.

On March 22nd, Great Wall officially integrated its Euler brand with the salon brand, and the first model of the salon brand, the machine armour, was displayed in Euler APP. On March 27, the Harvard brand new energy sales network was named "Hafron Network", which also means that Harvard brand new energy vehicle products will adopt independent sales channels to distinguish them from fuel vehicle products in the future. At the same time, a new series of Harvard owl dragon models have been launched.


With the addition of new models, Great Wall Motor sales rebounded in the second quarter. According to relevant data, Great Wall car sales in April were 93100, up 73.14% from a year earlier. The Harvard brand sold 52264 vehicles in April, up 79.45 per cent from a year earlier. Great Wall car sales in May were 101000, up 26.18% from a year earlier. The Harvard brand sold 55600 vehicles in May, up 33.18% from a year earlier. According to the official plan, Great Wall sales target of no less than 1.6 million vehicles in 2023, with a cumulative sales volume of 414095 from January to May, only 25.8 per cent of this year's sales target.

Perhaps, in the context of the current price war and the current situation of Great Wall, it is not difficult to understand the Harvard brand's discount strategy for new products. It should also be noted that price reduction incentives can indeed stimulate sales in the short term, but can not become the norm, and eventually have to return to the value war of the product.

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