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Many BYD stores in Hong Kong have been damaged!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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In the early morning of June 12, BYD's four exhibition halls and service centers in Hong Kong were damaged, drenched with red paint or destroyed by cars. After the Hong Kong Police arrived at the scene for investigation, they classified the case as criminal damage and did not rule out the possibility that the four criminal cases were committed by the same illegal syndicate and the motive for the crime has yet to be investigated.

It is understood that the first incident occurred at 4 a.m. when Hong Kong police officers patrolled through the Zhongjing Financial Center in Tsim Sha Tsui and found that the window glass of the BYD showroom was drenched with red paint and red paint was left on the ground. The police officers found a 2-liter red lacquer can near the site of the incident. The case was handed over to the Divisional investigation team of Tsim Sha Tsui for investigation. At almost the same time, the exhibition hall of BYD, located on the ground floor of the majestic industrial building at 20 Hongye West Street, Yuen long, was even hit by a gangster's private car into the main gate, which was sunken and deformed, and the gangster drove away. After investigations, Police officers believed that the case was a missing vehicle and classified the case as criminal damage. The case was temporarily handed over to the Divisional investigation team of Yuen long District for follow-up and is looking for the culprit.


At 05:52 on that day, BYD's exhibition hall at ground floor Shop 200 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai was also painted with red paint, leaving a paint can of the same brand as the oil can seized by the Police in Tsim Sha Tsui. the case was handed over to the Divisional investigation team of Wan Chai for further investigations.


At 06:51, BYD's service centre on Ping Ha Road, Tin Shui Wai was also found drenched with red paint by the culprits. The case was classified as criminal damage and was handed over to the Divisional investigation team of Yuen long for enquiries.


BYD Hong Kong led the General Manager of Automobile sales of JCM United University to arrive at the showroom in Yuen long in the morning to personally check the damage of the hit gate. He said that with regard to the successive sabotage of BYD's four showrooms and service centers in just three hours, he believed that it was not a general revenge-seeking incident, but an attack on the entire BYD brand. He hoped that the police would attach great importance to the incident and arrest the gangster.


Chui Qingquan, Director of Automobile Operations of the General Assembly, said that the damaged exhibition halls and service centres were equipped with closed-circuit television and the case had been handed over to the Police for investigation. It is expected that after cleaning and painting, the showrooms in Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai and the service centres in Tin Shui Wai will resume business on Monday or Tuesday (13), but the crashed Yuen long Exhibition Hall will not be reopened for several days.


BYD entered the Hong Kong market at the end of 2022, introducing three passenger cars, including ATTO 3 (yuan PLUS), dolphins and seals. Data show that BYD sold 1245 vehicles in Hong Kong from January to May 2023, ranking third in the Hong Kong electric car market, followed by Tesla and BMW, with sales of 4207 and 1864 respectively.

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