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BYD Dolphin / Ola good Cat's new rival! Jianghuai yttrium starts from 89900 RMB for sale.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On June 16, Yttrium 3, a brand new model of Jianghuai Automobile, was officially put on the market, with a total of 6 models with a price range of 89900-127900 yuan.


Yttrium 3 is a brand new Jianghuai passenger car brand yttrium for the first model, positioning electric small car, from the positioning and price point of view, yttrium 3 listing will be aimed at the 26-35-year-old consumer market, and with BYD dolphin (price range of 11.68-136800 yuan) and Ola good cat (price range of 12.98-171000 yuan) and other electric small cars competition.

In terms of appearance, the new car adopts the design of "Bubble Universe Aesthetics". The headlights and rims all use some bubble elements, and the overall front face style looks like a good Euler cat. Specifically, the front face adopts closed grille design and double round headlight group shape, headlamp group ‍ is also equipped with LED adaptive far and near lights, the whole front is round and lovely. The lower part is equipped with an inverted trapezoidal air inlet, and the interior is decorated with a banner structure, resulting in a good visual hierarchy.


On the side of the body, the whole line of the new car is simple and round, with upper and lower two-color body design, and equipped with circular rearview mirror, hidden electric door handle and double five-spoke wheel shape, which makes the visual effect of the vehicle more fashionable. The new car charging interface is located at the left front wing of the vehicle. In the rear part, the design of the new car is relatively simple, with rounded rectangular taillights, embedded license plate area, high recognition after lighting, and a small spoiler on the roof, which looks very exquisite as a whole.



In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4025/1760/1560mm, and the wheelbase is 2620mm, with short front and rear suspension and long wheelbase design. For comparison, the length, width and height of BYD dolphins are 4125/1770/1570mm and the wheelbase is 2700mm, while the length, width and height of Olla cats are 4235/1825/1596mm and 2650mm respectively.

In terms of interior decoration, the new car is equipped with a suspended full LCD dashboard and a 12.8-inch suspended central control screen (optional 15.6 inch central control screen), as well as 5G network, voice control, panoramic image, driving recorder and other functions. the steering wheel adopts flat-bottomed double-amplitude multi-function design. In addition, the entire central console of the new car has a penetrating crystal panel, with 64-color atmosphere lights, fragrance system, showing a simple and atmospheric sense of technology as a whole. In terms of seat layout, 5-seat layout is adopted in the new car.


In terms of power, yttrium is 3 with a single front motor, with a maximum power of 70 kilowatts and 100 kilowatts. The battery type is lithium iron phosphate battery, in which the battery capacity is 41 kWh, the CLTC has a range of 405km, and the battery capacity is 51.5kWh, the CLTC has a range of 505km. According to different models, yttrium models with range of 3405km are available in Lite, Air and Pro models, and Air, Pro and Pro+ models are available in 505km models.

On April 12 this year, Jiangqi Group officially launched a new new energy brand, Yttrium, whose models are based on new bases, new companies and new platforms, focusing on the price range of 7-150000 yuan, targeting mainly women between the ages of 20 and 35. Yttrium 3 on the market is the first model of the brand, and after listing, it will launch an attack on the pure electricity A-class market of 100000 yuan, but considering that the sense of existence of Jianghuai Automobile in the car market is not particularly high, yttrium is still a big challenge for brand-new models on the market.


According to the plan, in the next five years, yttrium brand will launch four electric vehicles, including electric small car yttrium 3, electric small SUV yttrium X3, electric sedan yttrium 5 and electric SUV yttrium X5.

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