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Is there a fire in the NIO Jiangmen power station? There was no official response.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On June 25, a video about #NIO Jiangmen Power Station Fire #circulated online.

According to a number of media reports, Suspected NIO a power station suddenly caught fire smoke, Some netizens said, The fire NIO power station is located in Guangdong Province Jiangmen, After inquiry comparison NIO official website found, Network transmission fire power station suspected for Jiangmen Yuewan Yungu, Located in Jiangmen Jianghai District Yuewan Yungu Shuangchuang Incubation Park, Is Jiangmen City's first two replacement power station, The country's 402nd power station.


Some media asked about three nearby merchants, and the staff all said that there was such a thing, and said it was "about 2 p.m. fire." Online video shows that after the fire, firefighters have arrived at the scene to carry out fire fighting operations.


According to micro bo car blogger @ all electric brother said, there is a saying, Wei Lai remote detection of external force damage on the user's car, the user will send the battery back to the power station, the power station began to damage the battery detection, detection process battery fire.



As of the time of publication, it was not clear why the accident caught fire, and NIO officials did not respond to the above news.

According to introduction, this power station is NIO's first second generation power station in Jiangmen, and it is also NIO's 402nd power station in China. NIO APP shows that at present, the overcharging station displays "temporarily unavailable".

It should be noted that NIO Automobile announced today that as of June 25,2023, the number of power stations in NIO has exceeded 1500, 16204 charging piles have been built accumulatively, 1000 new power stations will be added in 2023, and more than 2300 will be added by the end of the year.


In February this year, Wei Lai founder Li Bin issued a document saying that he would revise the construction target of power station replacement, raising the original target of 400 new power stations in 2023 to 1000 new ones. Among them, about 400 will be built in expressway service area or expressway entrance, about 600 will be deployed in Urban area, focusing on the layout of third-tier and fourth-tier cities and counties with certain user base and no power station replacement. "There are already car companies talking to NIO about sharing power stations and using NIO's power-switching model to develop new cars," Li said."But he also said it would take years to develop and launch new cars if they shared them."

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