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The former chairman of Dongfeng Motor Group passed away!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Another farewell!

At 9: 00 a.m. on August 2, 2023, the body farewell ceremony of Sun Hongjun, former party committee secretary of Dongfeng Motor Company and former chairman of Dongfeng Motor Group, was held in the merit hall of the Funeral Parlour in Huadu District, Guangzhou City. Two days ago, at 06:52 on July 31, 2023, Sun Hongjun died of illness in Guangzhou at the age of 82.


The relevant responsible persons of Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd., some old leaders, relevant responsible persons of functional departments and subordinate units, and the leaders of the units, colleagues, relatives and friends who worked before their death attended the farewell ceremony. At the farewell scene, Yang Qing, general manager and deputy secretary of the party committee of Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd., introduced Sun Hongjun's life. Chen Hao, member of the standing Committee of the party committee and deputy general manager of Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd., presided over the farewell ceremony. Veteran leaders and colleagues Chen Qingtai, Ma Yue, Xu Ping, Liu Weidong, Zhang Xianting, Zhou Qiang, etc. who worked in Dongfeng Company; he Wei, Zhou Xianpeng, leaders of Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd., and Liu Zhangmin and Qiaoyang, veteran leaders of the company, attended the farewell ceremony. Qiu Xiandong, general manager and deputy party secretary of FAW, entrusted Comrade Leiping to attend the farewell ceremony. Also attending the farewell ceremony were some functional departments and business sector leaders of Dongfeng Company headquarters.

The life of Sun Hongjun. According to the data, Sun Hongjun was born in November 1941, was admitted to Jiangsu University of Technology in September 1961, and joined Communist Party of China in June 1973. In June 1968, Sun Hongjun was assigned to work in the second Automobile Transmission Shaft Factory, and served as a technician and deputy director of the factory office (Party Office) until June 1980. In September 1980, he was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and the first Deputy Director of the second Automobile Transmission Shaft Factory; in September 1982, he was appointed the Director of the second Automobile Transmission Shaft Factory; in December 1983, he served as the Assistant Director of the second Automobile Plant; during this period, he served as the Party Committee Secretary of Hubei Institute of Automotive Industry and the Deputy Director of the second Automobile Industry Institute; in June 1985, he was appointed Deputy Director of the second Automobile Factory, in charge of finance and labor work; in November 1992, he was appointed Party Committee Secretary of Dongfeng Automobile Company and Vice Chairman of Dongfeng Automobile Group. In September 1997, he was appointed chairman of Dongfeng Motor Group and deputy general manager of Dongfeng Motor Company. Glorious retirement in August 2003

Dongfeng Motor Company is a super-large automobile enterprise under the direct management of the central government, its predecessor is the "second Automobile Factory", which was founded in Shiyan, Hubei Province in 1969. In September 1992, it changed its name to Dongfeng Motor Company. In September 2003, the headquarters moved from Shiyan, Hubei to Wuhan. In November 2017, it changed its name to Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd.

According to the financial report, Dongfeng Motor Group's annual revenue in 2022 was 92.663 billion yuan, down 18.1 percent from the same period last year, of which the sales revenue from the passenger car business was about 46.732 billion yuan, up 43.6 percent from the same period last year. The net profit from its parent was 10.265 billion yuan, down about 9.8 percent from the same period last year.


In terms of sales, Dongfeng car sales in the first half of 2023 totaled 945500, down 23.39% from the same period last year, of which passenger car sales were 769700, down 27.4% from the same period last year. According to the official website, Dongfeng passenger car brands include independent brands Dongfeng Lantu, Dongfeng Fengshen, Dongfeng New Energy, Dongfeng vogue, joint venture brands Dongfeng Nissan, Dongfeng Honda, and DPCA. Among them, the joint venture brand is the main source of Dongfeng automobile sales, but it is in a collective decline. In the first half of the year, the cumulative sales of Dongfeng Nissan and Dongfeng Honda were 335200 and 227000 respectively.

It is worth mentioning that the post of chairman of Dongfeng Motor Group has not yet been filled. In March 2023, Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd. announced its decision to remove Comrade Zhu Yanfeng from his post as chairman and party committee secretary of Dongfeng Automobile Group Co., Ltd., in accordance with the relevant regulations on the age of central enterprise leaders.


After entering 2023, a number of chairmen of automobile companies have passed away one after another. Dr. Dr. Carl H. Hahn, former chairman of Volkswagen Group, died on January 14th at the age of 96. Toyoda Shoichiro, honorary president of Toyota, died of heart failure on February 14th at the age of 97.

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