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Great Wall 4S store is on fire! Official response

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On Sept. 9, a netizen posted a video message saying that a fire broke out at a Great Wall 4S store in Cuiping District, Yibin, Sichuan, attracting everyone's attention. Videos posted online showed black smoke billowing out of the car showroom, but there was no open fire in the video.


In this regard, Harvard New Energy Yibin Jiacheng store staff said that another store charging piles were not installed, hot weather circuit problems caused a fire. The staff said that now the fire has been put out, there are no casualties, only some damage to the vehicle. The staff of Harvard New Energy Yibin Xinhang store said that it has been dealt with now.

However, the local fire said that they answered the alarm at about 10: 00 in the morning, and it took about 20 minutes to put out the fire after arriving at the scene, which was caused by the spontaneous combustion of new energy vehicles in the store.

Qiao Xinyu, deputy general manager of Harvard brand, responded on social media on the evening of September 9 that some media reported "spontaneous combustion of Harvard New Energy vehicle". We immediately learned about the situation and kept pace with you as follows: at 10:00 this morning, an H6 PHEV caught fire at a Harvard New Energy 4S store in Yibin, Sichuan Province. The fire was quickly brought under control and caused no casualties. By accessing the background data of the vehicle, we found that the car was not reported abnormal. after inquiring with the staff of the 4S store and based on the background data analysis, we preliminarily judged that the fire caused by external forces was more likely. Harvard brand attaches great importance to this matter, and I will keep pace with you if there is any further information.


In August 2022, Harvard officially announced the start of the new energy transformation and launched the new brand LOGO. At the scene of the press conference, the Harvard brand released two models of the Harvard H6 DHT/ H6 DHT-PHEV. The following month, Harvard H6 DHT-PHEV officially went on sale, with a price range of 15.98-173800 yuan. The Harvard H6 DHT-PHEV is the first Harvard model equipped with lemon hybrid DHT-PHEV technology, with a 1.5T engine and motor plug-in hybrid system, in which the maximum power of the engine is 113kW and the peak torque is 233Nm; the maximum power of the motor is 130kW and the peak torque is 300Nm; the comprehensive maximum power of the system is 240kW and the peak torque is 530Nm.



Data show that from January to August this year, the cumulative sales of Great Wall New Energy vehicles increased by 71.3% to 148231 units compared with the same period last year. Sales of new energy vehicles rose 119.5% in August from a year earlier to 26266, of which 7406 were Harvard, 10206 were Euler, 5616 were Wei, and 3036 were tanks.

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