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Blogger self-made ideal MEGA Li Xiang: the similarity is very high.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to the plan, ideal car's first pure electric model, the ideal MEGA, will be released in December 2023 and delivery will begin in February 2024. Unfortunately, officials are still covering up the design style of this brand-new model, and there are no related spy photos without camouflage. We can only understand the overall design style and structure through camouflage cars.

However, Weibo blogger "ramen chef Design" recently released a set of rendering images of "ideal MEGA" pure electric MPV, which has been further modified to provide black and silver versions with the following specific design styles:








For this group of rendered images, ideal car CEO Li would like to comment again: "the black similarity is 80%, very good!" Silver similarity is less than 60%! The above is the similarity from a professional point of view. For friends who are confused between Ge You and Jiang Wen, this percentage is invalid and must jump from a building. "

Previously, the blogger made an unofficial ideal MEGA rendering video with reference to the existing model design style of ideal car. From the video point of view, the shape of the ideal MPV is different from that of the MPV on the market. Its A-pillar is very inclined, resembling a whale with a large throughput, and its front face is equipped with a very large raised windshield, which should be able to bring lower wind resistance from the angle of the glass. At the same time, the highly inclined glass is connected to the front cabin, making the whole front look like the Harmony train. In addition, its front face still refers to the design style of the existing model of the ideal car, but with reference to its pure electric model, it is expected to adopt a closed design.



However, Li did not approve of the rendered video at that time. "if I really designed it like this, I would kill the design team and jump off a building by myself," Li retweeted on Weibo.


A few days ago, it was exposed on the Internet that the ideal MEGA model was driving out of the ideal car factory. From the spy photos, the overall appearance of the ideal MEGA can be said to be very intuitive and impressive, because it is different from other MPV models on the market, showing a "warhead" design language like the Harmony train, this design style can not only provide a wider driving vision, but also reduce wind resistance, but the alternative design style also leads to more extensive discussion. At present, the main controversial point is the front design, and the specific structure is not clear.


According to the summary of the project, the length of the MEGA is 5300-5400mm, the width is 1900-2000mm, the height is 1800-1900mm, and the wheelbase is 3200-3400mm, which is larger than the Teng Power D9 and the extreme Krypton 009. The interior space is expected to be a major attraction of the ideal MPV, and as a new flagship model, the configuration of the ideal MEGA is not expected to be very low.

According to the available information, the ideal MEGA will adopt a self-developed 800V high-voltage pure electric platform and a 5C charging rate cell in Ningde era to realize the pure tram "charging for 9 minutes and 30 seconds with a range of 400km", which will shorten the charging time by 50% compared with the 2C pure electric model, which is comparable to the ability to "charge for 5 minutes and last 200km" under the Xiaopeng car rocking technology framework.

Li Xiang once said that the ideal MEGA is confident that it will become the first car with sales of more than 500000 yuan, regardless of the type of model and the form of power. According to the plan of ideal car, the product layout of "1 super flagship + 5 extended range models + 5 pure electric models" will be completed in 2025, with sales of 1.6 million vehicles.

Industry insiders pointed out that the sales of ideal automobile high-voltage pure electric models will also really verify its background in the new energy vehicle market. In the new energy vehicle market, ideal car L7, L8 and L9 become the main sales force in the market segment. Because of the characteristics of fuel and electricity, the plug-in models represented by extended range can effectively solve the problem of new energy consumers' anxiety about battery life and achieve rapid sales growth, while pure electric models need to improve the construction of energy supplement system, and the cost or operation construction brought by them is a new challenge.

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