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BMW officials announce two important personnel appointments

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Following September 28, BMW Group announced that the term of office of the current group chairman Chipze will be extended to 2026, after the current BMW Group Greater China President and CEO Gaulle has been promoted to BMW Group Director appointment.


On October 18th, BMW Group again announced two personnel appointments, appointing Gao Xiang, Senior Vice President of Marketing of BMW brilliance, as President and CEO of BMW Group Greater China, mainly responsible for BMW Group Greater China business and coordination of BMW Group joint ventures in China. Shao Bin, currently President of BMW (China) Automotive Trading Co., Ltd., will succeed Gao Xiang as Senior Vice President of Marketing of BMW brilliance, responsible for the marketing, sales and customer service and support of the BMW brand in China, all of which will take effect on November 1st, 2023.

Relevant information shows that Gao Xiang has worked in the BMW Group for many years. It joined the BMW Group in 1988 and is mainly responsible for BMW's technical services, after-sales, marketing and corporate sales departments. He served as BMW Group European Product Strategy Manager in 2003, BMW sales and Marketing Manager and sales Business Development Manager in London in 2005, Executive Director of BMW (Ireland) from 2006 to 2009, sales Director of BMW (UK) from 2009 to 2011, Vice President of Marketing Strategy of BMW Group MINI and Vice President of European MINI Brand Management from 2012 to 2014. From February 2014 to February 2018, he served as Vice President of MINI China.


Shao Bin also has many years of experience in the automotive industry. From 2000 to 2005, he served as the marketing manager of Beijing Yanbao Automobile Service Co., Ltd. Joined BMW in 2005 and held the marketing management position of brilliance BMW Co., Ltd., and then was promoted to director. In April 2018, Shao Bin was promoted to Vice President of sales of BMW (China) Automobile Trading Co., Ltd., mainly responsible for the marketing, sales and customer service and support of the BMW brand in China. From July 2020 to October 2023, Shao Bin served as president of BMW (China) Automobile Trading Co., Ltd.


With regard to the appointments, officials said: two foreign executives, Mr. Gaulle and Mr. Gao Xiang, both have long working experience at BMW Group, have held management positions in a number of markets and departments, and have both worked in China for about 10 years. They are not only well aware of the complexity and uniqueness of the Chinese auto market, but also always enthusiastic about the Chinese market, Chinese customers and Chinese culture. Mr. Shaobin has worked in the BMW system for more than 20 years and has extensive experience in marketing, sales and new energy vehicle projects.

Gaulle also said on the appointment: "Gao Xiang and Shao Bin have rich experience and achievements and have a deep understanding of the Chinese market." It is believed that they can lead BMW's business in China to further success in the era of electrification, digitization and sustainable circulation. "


According to the official plan, it will go all out to be electrified in 2023, and pure electric models will account for 15% of the group's total sales. More than 2 million pure electric vehicles will be delivered worldwide by the end of 2025, and the annual sales of its all-electric models will rise to more than 50 per cent of global annual sales by 2030, totaling more than 10 million. In order to achieve this goal, the Chinese market is undoubtedly the most favored market of BMW Group. According to relevant data, in the first three quarters of 2023, BMW Group delivered a total of 602835 BMW and MINI-branded cars in the Chinese market, of which BMW pure electric model sales were 69603, an increase of 23.2% over the same period last year.


In the wave of rapid development of new energy, traditional luxury car companies are also speeding up the electrification process, although BMW is also increasing the electrification transformation, from the data point of view, the transformation of BMW Group is still somewhat effective. However, compared with the sales volume of the new power of domestic head car building, there is still a certain gap. This time, BMW Group's two personnel appointments in China are undoubtedly aimed at the performance of the Chinese market, and it is hoped that the new management can lead BMW to speed up the electrification process in the domestic market.

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