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Yes! BYD sells more than 300000 cars a month for the first time.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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As the country's largest manufacturer of new energy vehicles, BYD once again handed over a sales performance. On Nov. 2, BYD released its latest monthly production and sales of KuaiBao. Data show that BYD sold 301800 new energy vehicles in October 2023, an increase of 38.57 percent over the same period last year, and this is the first time that BYD has sold more than 300000 vehicles a month.


In the first 10 months of this year, BYD sold 2.3115 million vehicles, up 70.36% from a year earlier. According to the annual sales target of 3 million vehicles, the completion rate of BYD's sales target in the first 10 months is 79.38%, meaning that BYD needs to complete 618500 vehicles in the next two months to meet its target, with an average monthly sales of 309300 vehicles. In other words, if BYD continues to grow at this rate in the next two months, it is expected to meet its annual sales target.

At present, BYD has become the largest new energy car manufacturer in China, with a total layout of dynasty net, ocean net, momentum, look up and equation leopard brands, with product prices ranging from one million luxury to 100000 yuan. And a number of products dominate the passenger car market segment. Data show that Dynasty and Ocean are currently the main sources of sales of BYD, with sales of 137800 and 151700 respectively in October. Among them, the highest-selling model in dynasty net is Qin family, which is 42800, while that in Yuan, Song, Han and Tang dynasties is 41400, 22800, 20300 and 10600 respectively. The highest-selling model in Ocean net is Seagull, which is 43400, Song PLUS is more than 40, 000, 41200, dolphin is 35, 200. In addition, the mid-and high-end brands took off 11500 vehicles, of which 10063 were D9, 1079 were N7 and 358 were N8.


In order to hit the annual KPI, BYD launched a promotion in November. BYD Motors launched the "millions of Ocean Thanksgiving courtesy" campaign on November 1, and you can enjoy substantial discounts on BYD Ocean net-related models this month, including destroyer 07, frigate 05 champion version, dolphin, seal champion version and Song PLUS champion version, ranging from 0.5 yuan to 18000 yuan. Among them, frigate 07 can enjoy 2000 yuan to 20000 yuan, dolphins 2000 yuan to 9000 yuan, seal champion version 2000 yuan to 9000 yuan, Song PLUS champion version 2000 yuan to 7000 yuan, and destroyer 05 champion version 2000 yuan to 7000 yuan.


On the same day, BYD announced that Qin PLUS EV 2023 Champion Edition had launched a time-limited discount policy, with a cash discount of 10,000 yuan for car purchases from November 1 to November 30, 2023. It is understood that the champion version of Qin PLUS EV 2023 went on sale in April with a price range of 129800-176800 yuan.


In addition, BYD will launch new products this month. On October 31, BYD Song L opened its pre-sale. The new car has launched a total of five models with a pre-sale price range of 22-280000 yuan. The new car positioning medium-sized sedan SUV, based on e-platform 3.0, will be officially launched in November. Prior to this, equation Leopard's first model, Leopard 5, also announced a blind price of 30 to 400000 yuan, which is based on BYD's new DMO super hybrid off-road platform, or equipped with Yunqi-P intelligent hydraulic body control system, and will also go on sale in November.

In addition to the gradual improvement of the product matrix, BYD is accelerating the process of internationalization. On October 25, BYD unveiled five new energy models at the 47th Tokyo Auto Show, becoming the first Chinese car company to participate in the history of the auto show. It is understood that BYD Seal, Dolphin, Tang and Yuan PLUS models were unveiled and launched in Finland, Panama, Australia and Hungary in October. Up to now, BYD has entered 55 countries and regions, including Japan, Germany, Australia, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates. In addition, BYD is also speeding up the construction of overseas factories. In September, BYD set up a joint venture with Uzbekistan's state-controlled automobile group, with a planned annual output of 50, 000 units in the first / second phase of the factory, and 300000 units after the completion of the third phase.


Data show that BYD passenger cars set a new record for monthly exports of 30521 vehicles in October, an increase of 8.85% month-on-month and 220.3% year-on-year. According to the plan, BYD's overseas exports are expected to be 25-300000 vehicles in 2023, while next year's exports may reach 1 million vehicles.

Impulse at the end of the year is a common practice for automakers, and the industry believes that BYD's discounts and the launch of new cars Song L and equation Leopard 5 will bring new growth to BYD, which is expected to sell more than 900000 vehicles in the fourth quarter of this year. As for whether BYD can meet its annual sales target under preferential promotions and the launch of new cars, we might as well wait and see.

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