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Monthly sales are over 50,000 for the first time! Li Xiang: 2024 will challenge annual sales of 800000 yuan.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On January 1, Ideal Car was the first to release December 2023 delivery data. According to the data, 50,353 new vehicles were delivered in December 2023, an increase of 137.1% year-on-year, successfully achieving the goal of delivering 50,000 vehicles per month. As of December 31, 2023, the ideal car has delivered 376,030 new vehicles, an increase of 182.2% year-on-year.

In response, Ideal Auto CEO Li wants to forward tweets expressing gratitude to users, partners and pride in the team's growth rate. The goals for 2023 are all achieved: 376000, 50000, 20000 and 300; higher goals will be challenged in 2024:800000, 100000, 30000 and 2000.

For Li Xiang's mouth "80000,10000,30000,2000," many bloggers guess that the corresponding sales target in 2024 is 800000 vehicles, monthly delivery target is 100000 vehicles, monthly delivery impact of single vehicle type is 30000 vehicles, and the number of overcharging stations will be increased to 2000.

Earlier, 36Kr reported that ideal cars are expected to sell more than 800,000 vehicles in 2024, Weilai is expected to sell more than 230,000 vehicles and Xiaopeng cars are expected to sell more than 280,000 vehicles. To refine these goals to a monthly level, the ideal car needs to complete about 67,000 vehicles per month, Weilai needs to complete about 19,000 vehicles per month, and Xiaopeng needs to complete about 23,000 vehicles per month.

Li wants to challenge BBA's sales in China ahead of schedule in 2024 and strive to become the No.1 luxury brand in China, Li said at the second quarter earnings conference. From the current market point of view, with the development of independent brands into the high-end market, the market share of traditional luxury brands has been eroded by independent brands. Terminal sales data show that BMW Brilliance sold 635,400 vehicles in November before 2023, FAW-Audi sold 549,600 vehicles and Beijing Mercedes-Benz sold 545,800 vehicles. If the ideal car sells 800,000 vehicles in 2024, there is indeed hope to challenge BBA sales in China. In addition, Li Xiang has publicly stated that the goal of ideal cars in 2025 is to achieve the first sales volume of all luxury brands in the Chinese market (i.e. the first sales volume of all passenger cars above 200,000 yuan), with a delivery volume of 1.6 million vehicles/year.

It is understood that in 2024, the ideal car will release four new models, including an extended-range SUV and three pure tram models, among which the extended-range model is the ideal L6, which sells for between 200,000 and 300,000 yuan, which is the first ideal car model with a price of less than 300,000 yuan. On December 31, Ideal Auto announced that it will officially release the first pure electric flagship MPV-MEGA on March 1,2024, which will be delivered immediately. Previously, Li wanted to say that the goal of ideal MEGA is to become the No.1 product in sales volume of more than 500,000 yuan, regardless of energy form and body form.

At present, the ideal car models on sale include L7, L8 and L9, among which L7 and L8 are medium and large extended-range hybrid SUVs, and L9 is a large-scale extended-range hybrid SUV. Retail data show that the ideal L7 sold 113,700 units in November 2023, the ideal L8 sold 103,000 units, surpassing the BMW X5 by 85,500 units, making it the best-selling medium and large SUV. The ideal L9 is 99,500 units, making it the best-selling size SUV.

However, the ideal car is also under sales pressure, and the biggest competitor is AITO. Since its launch, the new M7 has continued to sell well, with monthly sales exceeding the ideal L7/L8, becoming the best-selling medium and large SUV. Taking November sales as an example, its monthly sales volume is 17,000 units, exceeding 16,600 units of ideal L7 and 12,500 units of ideal L8. According to a late Auto report, the company expects full-year sales of 600,000 units next year and has communicated this target to upstream suppliers. It is understood that AITO's new M5 and M8 will be launched in the first and second half of next year respectively, with the latter positioned between M7 and M9.

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