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"Pure electricity Maiteng"! FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION listed

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On December 15, FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION officially launched, the new car launched AIR, PRO, PRIME three models, the price range of 22.7777-262777 yuan. In addition, the official also launched the first version (that is, previously pre-sold models), the price of which is 230777 yuan. It is understood that FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION is based on MEB pure electric platform, positioning pure electric medium-sized car, providing rear-drive and four-wheel drive optional, CLTC comprehensive pure electric range 642km and 570km optional.

In terms of appearance, FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION continues ID. According to the design concept of the family series products, the front of the car adopts a closed air intake grille, and uses a penetrating LED light belt to connect the headlights on both sides, equipped with luminous car marks. The new car is surrounded by a trapezoidal grille with a small air inlet on both sides, making the overall visual effect more concise and moving.

In terms of size, FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION has a length, width and height of 4956, 1862 and 1537mm respectively, with a wheelbase of 2965 mm, which is located in a pure electric medium-sized car.

Due to the hatchback rear design, the rear windshield almost extends to the rear, coupled with a higher window line, the thick and short parking space looks very stocky. FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION uses 3D Surface LED three-dimensional suspension taillights, showing a penetrating style, and the tail door "FAW-Volkswagen" and "ID.7 VIZZION" signs indicate identity information. It is understood that the new car will provide spruce green, maple leaf red, ice cypress blue, silver birch ash, pearlescent white, polar white, star blue a total of 7 kinds of color matching options.

Interior decoration, FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION continues Volkswagen ID. The family style is simple, but it is different from the previous ID.4/6 series. The biggest change in the center console is to change the small-size instrument screen into an embedded design, and the screen size has become smaller, but the size of the suspended central control screen has been further expanded to 15 inches, and various buttons are still designed with touch, which is relatively easy to operate. The steering wheel is still the family style of the Volkswagen ID series, and the knob gear integrated on the right side of the dashboard has been transformed into a similar shield design on the ID.7, but the knob Dhand R shift and the P gear button still operate in the same way as previous models. The part of the central channel is a semi-open storage tank with a shutter cover, where the front row mobile phone wireless charging, Type-C port and cup holder are all placed.

In terms of power, FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION provides two different power forms of rear-drive and four-wheel drive, which are equipped with a motor with a maximum power of 150kW; the four-wheel drive model is equipped with a front and rear dual-motor system with a maximum power of 80kW and 150kW. In terms of battery life, FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION has a capacity of 84.8kWh ternary lithium battery pack, two-wheel drive model CLTC comprehensive pure electric range of 642km, four-wheel drive model CLTC comprehensive range of 570km.

As a global model, the FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 was first unveiled during the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show and was made domestically by FAW-Volkswagen and named "ID.7 VIZZION". At the same time, SAIC Volkswagen also launched the ID.NEXT, which can be understood as ID.7 VIZZION's sister car, which will be mass produced in the first half of next year.

As a medium-sized pure electric car, FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION's main competitors include Tesla Model 3 (25.99-297400 yuan), Xiaopeng P7i (20.99-339900 yuan) and BYD Han EC (19.98-279800 yuan). Retail data show that Tesla Model 3 is the top seller in the pure electric medium-sized car market, with cumulative sales of 131500 vehicles in November 2023, 41100 for Xiaopeng P7i and 97600 for BYD Han.

After FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION is listed, it will become Volkswagen ID. The third model of the family. Retail data show that Volkswagen sold 32000 ID.4 CROZZ and 10500 ID.6 CROZZ in the first 11 months of 2023, which is higher than other joint venture electric vehicles, but far behind its domestic counterparts. What is the price of FAW-Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION and whether it can meet Volkswagen's grand goals in the electric car market? welcome to express your views in the comments area.

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