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Extreme Krypton 007 on the market! From 209900 yuan

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On December 27th, Polar Krypton 007, the first car of Polar Krypton, was officially put on the market, with a total of four models with a price range of 20.99-259900 yuan. In addition, the top four-wheel drive performance version sells for 299900 yuan. It is understood that the polar krypton 007 is the fourth model under the polar krypton car, the internal code name is polar krypton CS1e, based on the PMA2+ platform production under the vast architecture of SEA, positioning pure electric medium-sized cars, competitors include BYD Seal, Xiaopeng P7, Tesla Model 3 and so on.

In terms of appearance, the overall design of the polar krypton 007 is quite different from the current polar krypton model, because this model is the first new car designed independently by polar krypton. According to the official pictures and spy photos, the shape of the front face of the new car tends to be round, and the raised ribs of the engine cover, the moving front face and the sedan car body make it have a high degree of recognition. At the same time, the headlamp is a new design, showing a slender shape. The 90-inch integrated smart screen at the front contains 1711 LED beads, which is equipped with a curved three-dimensional lampshade. Judging from the lidar on the roof and many cameras on the body, the car is expected to be equipped with advanced intelligent driving assistance.

The side of the car body tends to be the car body design, so that it has an excellent visual texture. At the same time, the front and rear raised eyebrow lines greatly enhance the muscular sense of this car, and the hidden door knob is not absent. In the rear part, the car adopts the popular through-type taillight group, and integrates the brand LOGO into it, so as to enhance the visual hierarchy of the rear.

In terms of interior decoration, the design style and functional layout of the polar krypton 007 center console are similar to those of the polar krypton X. it is equipped with a liquid crystal dashboard and a large suspended central control screen, and the central control screen can also deflect a certain angle to the driver's side. to facilitate the driver to observe the information on the screen. In addition, the polar krypton 007 is also equipped with a head-up display and a wireless charging function for front mobile phones with vents.

In the power part, the polar krypton 007 is based on 800V architecture and will launch two sets of power systems of single motor and dual motor, in which the maximum power of single motor can reach 310kW, and the maximum power of motor before and after the dual motor version is 165kW and 310kW respectively; the comprehensive range of CLTC and CLTC is 688km and 870km respectively.

Polar Krypton, Geely's new intelligent pure electric car brand, was launched on April 15, 2011. the first model, ZEEKR 001, is based on Lecker ZERO Concept and is officially priced at RMB30.00-403000. On November 1, 2022, ZEEKR 009 officially launched, the new car is based on Geely SEA vast structure, positioning medium and large MPV, the official price is 49.9-588000 yuan. On April 12, 2023, ZEEKR X is listed as a compact pure electric SUV with a price range of 189800 yuan.

From the perspective of product definition and marketing means, the intention of polar krypton to take the route of differentiation is obvious. Polar krypton 001, polar krypton 009 and polar krypton X correspond to the market segments of hunting sedan, luxury MPV and compact SUV respectively. Among these models, polar krypton 001 has the highest sales. Retail data show that the highest-selling models in the first 11 months of 2023 were Polar Krypton 001 (68266), Polar Krypton X (20043) and Polar Krypton 009 (16900).

Extreme Krypton 007 is the fourth production car under extreme Krypton and the first car. As a medium-sized pure electric car, competitors of Pole Krypton 007 will aim at Wisdom S7, Ji Yue 07, Xiaopeng P7, Feifan F7 and so on. Guan Haitao, CMO of polar krypton intelligent technology, previously said that polar krypton 007 will assume more responsibility. From the point of view of the pure electric medium-sized car market, the highest selling model is Tesla Model 3, which is 131520, BYD Seal is 80078 and Xiaopeng P7 is 41100.

Earlier this year, Polar CEO an Conghui released an internal letter defining several key tasks for Pole Krypton in 2023, including the delivery target of 140000 terminals, the launch of two new products and the launch of globalization. By the end of November, polar krypton had sold 105209 vehicles, up 74% from the same period last year, but it was still a long way from the target of 140000 vehicles, with a target completion rate of 75%. It needs to sell 35000 vehicles in the last month, which is almost impossible to achieve.

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