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Suspected of accepting bribes! Former vice president of a well-known car company was arrested

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On January 10, the Supreme people's Procuratorate officially announced that Liu Xuemin, former vice president of brilliance Automobile Group Holdings Co., Ltd., was suspected of taking bribes, which was investigated by the Liaoning Provincial Supervisory Commission and transferred to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution. The jurisdiction designated by the Liaoning Provincial people's Procuratorate shall be examined and prosecuted by the Liaoyang City people's Procuratorate. A few days ago, the Liaoyang City people's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Liu Xuemin on suspicion of accepting bribes. The case is under further processing.

On December 18, 2023, the website of the Central discipline Inspection Commission and the National Supervisory Commission reported that according to the Liaoning Provincial discipline Inspection Commission, a few days ago, with the approval of the Liaoning Provincial CPC Committee, the Liaoning Provincial discipline Inspection Commission conducted a case examination and investigation on the serious violation of discipline and law by Liu Xuemin, former vice president of brilliance Automobile Group holding Co., Ltd.

The contents of the circular show that Liu Xuemin seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, clean discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, and constituted a serious violation of official duties and was suspected of accepting bribes. After studying the meeting of the standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Commission for discipline Inspection and submitting it to the Liaoning Provincial CPC Committee for approval, it was decided that Liu Xuemin should be expelled from the party; the Liaoning Provincial Supervisory Committee should expel him from public office; his illegal income from violation of discipline should be confiscated; his suspected crime shall be transferred to the procuratorial organ for examination and prosecution according to law, and the property involved shall be transferred together.

Earlier in September, the Supervisory Commission of the Liaoning Provincial discipline Inspection Commission released news that Liu Xuemin, vice president of brilliance Automobile Group Holdings Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious violations of discipline and the law, and was currently under disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the Supervisory Commission of the Liaoning Provincial discipline Inspection Commission.

According to the data, Liu Xuemin was born in October 1973. He joined Communist Party of China in June 1997 and joined the job in July 1999. his education is an on-the-job graduate student.

Looking back at his work resume, he has worked in brilliance for many years. After taking part in the work, Liu Xuemin served as the chief technician and assistant researcher of the General Office of the Dalian Municipal people's Government, the deputy director and director of the office of brilliance Automobile Group holding Co., Ltd., and the director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Dalian Economic and technological Development Zone. Dalian double D Port Industrial Park party member, deputy director of the management committee, Dalian Jinzhou New area Economic and Trade Bureau party member, director of the Bureau of domestic Enterprises and Deputy Director of the Bureau of Economic and Trade. In November 2013, he was appointed Assistant to the President of brilliance Automobile Group Holdings Co., Ltd., and in April 2017, he was appointed Vice President of brilliance Automobile Group Holdings Co., Ltd.

It is worth mentioning that on the same day that Liu Xuemin was subject to disciplinary examination and supervision investigation by the Supervisory Commission of the Liaoning Provincial discipline Inspection Commission, Liu Tongfu, former vice president of brilliance, was also investigated for serious violations of discipline and law, and he retired in October 2022.

Earlier, Qi Yumin, former party committee secretary and chairman of brilliance Automobile Group, was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation on December 4, 2020 on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law, and was expelled from the party on June 15, 2021. On July 24, 2021, the case of Qi Yumin suspected of accepting bribes, embezzlement of public funds, and abuse of power by personnel of state-owned companies was designated by the Liaoning Provincial people's Procuratorate and prosecuted by the Chaoyang people's Procuratorate to the Chaoyang Intermediate people's Court in accordance with the law. On May 6, 2022, the Supervisory Commission of the Liaoning Provincial Commission for discipline Inspection disclosed that from 1995 to 2019, Qi Yumin took advantage of his position to seek benefits for 39 people and received a total of more than 133 million yuan in terms of borrowing funds, contracting business, and obtaining the right to operate and sell. Qi Yumin also has other serious violations of discipline and law.

Brilliance Automobile Group holding Co., Ltd. is a large vehicle manufacturing enterprise controlled by Liaoning SASAC, which directly or indirectly controls and participates in four listed companies. and through its listed company brilliance China Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. and BMW Group Joint Venture established brilliance BMW Co., Ltd.

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