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The ideal car responds to the price reduction of all the models!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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In November, ideal announced on Weibo that "the configuration of ideal L-series models will be updated, and 2024 models will be released in March and delivery will begin. At the same time, with the Spring Festival approaching, ideal Automobile will launch special offers for 2023 models." According to the existing news in the terminal market, ideal L7/L8/L9 offers discount activities throughout the department. Ideal car stores reveal that according to different model versions, the price reduction ranges from 35000 to 38000 yuan. In particular, the starting price of the ideal L7 dropped directly to 286900 yuan, falling to less than 300000 yuan for the first time. For the Shanghai area, ideal Automobile also has a 10,000 yuan "Shanghai license" subsidy, which expires until the end of January.

In response to the news of the price reduction of all the models of ideal car, ideal Automobile responded to the media that the car purchase discount for 2023 models is to cope with the increasing price competition of three luxury brands (Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi). On the other hand, it is to start the transition of product renewal ahead of time through time-limited preferential policies for the Spring Festival. " Starting in the fourth quarter of 2023. The ideal car starts the transition of product renewal ahead of time through price concessions. "

In fact, as early as the second quarter of 2023, ideal car CEO Li Xiang set ambitious goals. At that time, Li Xiang said that he was confident that he would challenge the sales of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi in China ahead of schedule in 2024 and strive to become the No. 1 luxury brand by sales in 2024.

According to the official website, ideal cars currently on sale include L7, L8 and L9 models. Data show that ideal car delivered 50353 new vehicles in December, an increase of 22.72% over the previous month, an increase of 137.15% over the same period last year, setting a new high for monthly delivery. this is also the first time that it delivered more than 50, 000 vehicles a month this year. Ideal Automobile had previously challenged its target of delivering 50, 000 vehicles in December, which has now been achieved. A total of 376030 ideal cars were delivered in 2023, an increase of 182.21% over the same period last year, making it the highest delivery company in the "Wei Xiaoli" camp.

In addition to the L7, L8 and L9 models, ideal will also launch the ideal MEGA this year, which will be released on March 1 and delivered as soon as possible. Ideal MEGA is the fourth model of ideal Motors and the first MPV model. The new car has made its debut at the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show and opened a blind booking, which is expected to sell for less than 600000 yuan. According to the previous ideal car official data, the ideal MEGA 1 hour 42 minutes booking capacity of more than 10, 000 vehicles.

As for the sales target for the new year, Li wants to say: "all targets for 2023 have been achieved: 376000, 50000, 20000, 300. challenge higher goals in 2024: 800000, 100000, 30000, 2000. In other words, the ideal annual car delivery target for 2024 is 800000.

According to the data, taking the sales of ideal cars in the new week (January 1-January 7) as an example, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and BMW ranked among the top three in the list of luxury brand sales in China, with sales of 21200, 20700 and 16400 respectively, followed by 5900, while ideal car ranked fifth with 4300.

Judging from the current performance of ideal cars in the car market, in the luxury car market of more than 300000 yuan, including traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles, ideal cars have steadily ranked in the top five, and are getting closer and closer to BBA, becoming one of the biggest dark horses among Chinese car companies. As for whether the ideal car can become the first luxury brand in China in the future, it will take more time to verify.

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