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Another discount for three car companies!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On February 15, Wuling officially announced that its Wuling colorful fruit model will launch a "Spring Festival red envelope subsidy", with a discount of up to 8000 yuan for car purchases. According to officials, during the period from February 15 to March 31, users can order 99 yuan through the Wuling official channel to enjoy the Spring Festival red packet subsidy, and at the same time, they can enjoy the "triple gift of car purchase", including a no-pressure gift: financial discount or replacement policy of 2000 yuan per Taiwan (choose one of the two); worry-free gift: gift of 3.5kW AC charging pile (with installation conditions); guarantee gift: the first non-operating car owner three electricity lifetime warranty.

Wuling colorful fruit is SAIC GM's first "large space five-door pure tram", positioning a small car, one level higher than Wuling clear Sky and Wuling MINI EV. Wuling colorful fruit went on sale on March 29, 2023, when the new car launched a total of five models with a price range of 5.98-83800 yuan. In September of the same year, Wuling colorful fruit 410km continued version of the model on the market, the price is 88800 yuan. As a new Wuling colorful fruit model, the new car is equipped with a larger capacity battery pack, the CLTC pure electric battery life reaches 410km, and three new colors are added.

So far, Wuling colorful fruit has launched a total of 6 models on sale, and the models participating in the preferential car purchase benefits are three models with a range of 333 kilometers and a top model with 410 kilometers of rhinoceros.

SAIC GM Wuling sold 1.4031 million vehicles in 2023, including 500200 passenger vehicles and 639700 commercial vehicles, according to official figures. Subdivided into major models, Hongguang MINIEV is 237900 and Wuling colorful fruit is 231100, becoming another popular style "magic car" after SAIC GM's "Hongguang MinIEV". Wuling colorful fruit has sold more than 30, 000 vehicles for two months in a row, bringing its cumulative sales to 231100, which is basically on a par with Hongguang MINIEV, officials said.

By the end of 2023, Wuling Colored fruits had accumulated retail sales of 167764 vehicles, second only to Hongguang MINIEV (237863), according to the Federation of passengers. Among them, retail sales from August to December were 13892, 19606, 23744, 24024 and 27458 respectively, showing a monthly growth trend. From the intuitive data can not be found, Wuling colorful fruit has become second only to Hongguang MINIEV's main sales responsibility.

Compared with Hongguang MINIEV, Wuling colorful fruit focuses on high-end, intended to make up for the market gap between 5-100000 yuan, and become the key to undertake Wuling new energy series brand upward. In addition to the above models, this year Wuling colorful fruit will also launch a larger colorful fruit Plus model, the new car appearance design will continue to use the family design style, the overall shape is close to the current Wuling colorful fruit, the size of the new car body and wheelbase will be increased by 14cm and 5cm on the basic model, power will be equipped with single motor drive, maximum power 75kW, mileage 510km. The new car will go on sale in the first half of this year, and the starting price is expected to be around 90,000 yuan.

In addition to the discount offered by SAIC GM Wulingwuling Colorado, the configurations of Deep Blue S7 and Deep Blue SL03 were adjusted on Feb. 13, with the price of the all-electric version of Deep Blue S7 reduced by 10, 000 yuan to 16. 99-192900 yuan.

Up to now, there are two models of Deep Blue SL03 and Deep Blue S7 under Deep Blue Automobile. Among them, Deep Blue S7 is the second production model of Deep Blue Automobile, which is built on the EPA1 platform and positioned as a medium-sized SUV. It launched five models in June 2023, with a price range of 14.99-202900 yuan, and provides hybrid and pure electric models in power. In the auto market, it mainly competes with BYD Tang, frigate 07 and Tesla Model Y models of the same level.

Retail data show that the cumulative sales of the Deep Blue SL03 and the Deep Blue S7 were 72578 and 51390 respectively in 2023. According to the plan, Deep Blue Automobile will also launch a new SUV model-the Deep Blue G318 model this year. At present, the official map and declaration map of the car have been released, and the new car is expected to be on the market soon.

In addition to the domestic market, Lucid, a new power luxury electric car manufacturer in the United States, is also fighting a "price war." On February 16th, Lucid cut the price of its models by 1% by 10%.

Specifically, the entry-level model Air Pure fell by $7500, or nearly 10%, to a starting price of $69900 (about 504000 yuan); the price of the Air Touring fell from $85900 to $77900 (about 562000 yuan); and the price of the top model, the Air Grand Touring, fell by $1000 to $109900 (about 792000 yuan).

Auto companies'"price war" almost runs through 2023, and since 2024, seizing the market through "price war" is still the main theme of auto companies. "price for volume" is one of the effective measures for car companies to impact sales, but "Automotive Industry concern" believes that car price promotion can indeed boost sales in the short term, but frequent "price wars" will also squeeze the profit margins of car companies and dealers.

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