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The prices are all reduced! BYD launches 8 new cars in half a month

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On March 1, BYD officially announced the price of Song Pro DM-i Glory Edition, with a total of five configurations, with a price range of 10.98-139800 yuan. Compared with the champion version, which went on sale in 2023, the Song Pro DM-i Glory Edition adds the Black Knight appearance option and upgrades the entry-level model configuration.

In terms of power, Song Pro DM-i Glory Edition is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system composed of a 1.5L engine and motor, with a maximum power of 81kW and a peak torque of 135Nm, while the maximum power of the drive motor is 145kW and the peak torque is 325Nm. In terms of battery life, the car carries lithium iron phosphate batteries with a capacity of 12.9 kilowatt hours and 18.3 kilowatt hours respectively, with a pure electric range of 71 kilometers and 110 kilometers respectively under comprehensive conditions.

According to the Tramway report, this is the eighth new car launched by BYD since the Spring Festival of the year of the Dragon.

Qin PLUS Honor Edition and Destroyer 05 Honor Edition went on sale on February 19, with prices starting at 79800 yuan, down 20000 yuan and 22000 yuan, respectively, compared with 2023 models. Li Yunfei, general manager of BYD's brand and public relations department, said on social media that "the decisive battle with fuel cars will be completely opened."

Since then, BYD has also launched glory versions of other models, including Dolphin Glory Edition, Han Glory Edition, Tang DM-i Glory Edition, Song PLUS Glory Edition and so on. Among them, the Dolphin Glory Edition went on sale on February 23, with a price of 99800 yuan, a reduction of 17000 yuan compared with the 2023 model.

On February 28th, Tang DM-i went on sale with an honor edition of 17.98 yuan, a reduction of 30, 000 yuan compared with 2023 models. Compared with the old model, Tang DM-i Glory Edition is full of replacement Dragon Face sports front face, and new silver glaze white appearance color and lotus root gray interior color, and upgrade the vehicle configuration. On the same day, Han Family Honor version went on sale, with the launch of Han EV Honor Edition, Han DM-i Honor Edition and 2024 Han DM-p Ares Edition, with a total of 10 models, with a price range of 16.98-259800 yuan, with a starting price reduction of 20, 000 yuan compared with the old model.

Song PLUS Glory Edition officially went on sale on February 28th, in which the price of EV version is 14.98-189800 yuan and that of DM-i version is 12.98-169800 yuan. In addition, the Seal DM-i Glory Edition also went on sale on the same day, with a price range of 14.98-219800 yuan. The configuration of the Seal DM-i Honor Edition has been significantly improved, with the 1.5L 121KM elite model adding 360 °panoramic image, upgrading the 15.6inch adaptive rotary suspension PAD;1.5L 121KM luxury model to increase the ACC+AEB+ELKA, while adding front seat ventilation and heating, and 50W mobile phone wireless charging.

This is the eighth glorious version of the car launched by BYD in nearly half a month, and it is also another move to accelerate the conversion of oil to electricity after the first call of "electricity is lower than oil" on February 19. After the price cut, many of BYD's popular models have been in the same price range as the mainstream models in the fuel car market.

Price for quantity is one of the means for car companies to seize market share. In 2023, in order to meet its sales target of 3 million vehicles, BYD cut prices in the fourth quarter, stabilizing sales of more than 300000 vehicles for three consecutive months from October to December, and reaching its annual sales target of 3 million vehicles. At present, BYD has not disclosed its sales target for 2023, and the market is expected to be more than 4 million vehicles, which is not a small number. So, after the year of the Dragon, BYD Dynasty and Ocean launched the glory version of the model, the lowest Qin PLUS and destroyer 05 sold for only 79800 yuan. The market believes that under the background of the slowdown in the overall new energy vehicle market, BYD needs to seize the market share of fuel vehicles in the market of less than 200000 yuan, and the price for quantity has become the most direct means for BYD, while the market above 200000 yuan strives for sales breakthrough and seeks overseas business increments to support sales growth.

Admittedly, the market competition in 2024 will only be fiercer. Xiaopeng Automobile CEO he Xiaopeng said in the start letter that this year is the first year for Chinese car brands to enter the "sea of blood" competition, that is, the first year of the knockout stage. But when BYD slashed its knife at traditional car companies, it also made it difficult for other car companies to calm down.

On March 1st, Chery Group launched the 10 billion subsidy replacement season, with subsidies ranging from 3000 yuan to 40000 yuan depending on different models, including Chery, Xingtuo, Jettcut and iCAR. On the same day, Tesla launched a limited-time discount gift for his models in spring, and now he buys Model 3 and Model Y rear-drive version to enjoy a limited-time insurance subsidy of 8000 yuan. Changan Qiyuan Q05 125km long service model has a maximum cash discount of 35000 yuan, starting from 96900 yuan after the discount. In addition, the limited-time discount for the Geely auto industry starts from 127200 yuan for the Xingyue L series, 105700 yuan for the Xingrui series, 89800 yuan for the Boyue series, 55900 yuan for the Dihao series, 63800 yuan for the Haoxue series, 83900 yuan for the ICON series, and 29900 yuan for the panda series.

The competition between independent car enterprises and joint venture enterprises, and the competition between new energy vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles all confirm that the pattern of China's automobile market is gradually changing, and the market competition in the automobile industry is more fierce. From "the same price of oil and electricity" to "electricity is lower than oil", BYD's move directly triggered a new round of price competition, and the survival of the fittest will intensify in 2024, and the market will speed up the reshuffle in the process of new technology replacing old technology and new energy vehicles replacing fuel vehicles.

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