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Yida design of the same style! The third generation escape official map of Chang'an is released.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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A few days ago, Changan Automobile released the third-generation escape official map. Both the exterior design and interior decoration of the new car are highly similar to the Changan Yida currently on sale. As a reference, the price range of Changan Yida currently on sale is 83900-107900 yuan.

In terms of appearance, the front face of the new car adopts the same design style as that currently on sale, and the front face uses a borderless grille with a slender LED headlamp group, which forms a geometric shape after daytime driving lights are lit, and there are aerodynamic channels on both sides of the grille. On the side of the body, the new car is surrounded by a simple and smooth outline, equipped with popular hidden door handles, the overall visual effect is good. In terms of size, as a reference, the length, width and height of Changan Yida are 4770 and 1840 mm, respectively, and the wheelbase is 2765mm. In the rear part, the new car adopts integrated brand LOGO tail mark, with sharp LED taillight group and spoiler assembly on both sides, which has a great sense of fashion and sports.

In the interior, the new car is expected to be equipped with a 10.25-inch suspended rectangular LCD dashboard and a vertically arranged 13.2-inch central control screen. As a reference, Changan Yida is equipped with a 10.25inch HD full LCD instrument and a 13.2 inch HD touch center control screen with built-in Flying Fish OS 4.0 system and "AI Xiaoan" intelligent voice system.

In terms of motivation, the authorities have not yet announced. As a reference, Changan Yida is equipped with Blue Whale's new generation NE1.5T turbocharged four-cylinder engine with a maximum power of 170hp and a maximum torque of 260Nm, matching a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox and front wheel drive system, and fuel consumption 5.99L/100km under WLTC conditions.

EADO is a global strategic model of Changan Automobile, which was launched in March 2012. on March 6, 2015, Changan Yitou pure electric model was launched, with a total of two new models priced at 234900 and 249900 respectively. In March 2018, the second generation Yijing went public, and the current price range is 7.29-103900 yuan.

As for Yida is a Changan car, listed in December 2022, power equipped with 1.5T turbocharged engine, the current price range of 8.39-107900 yuan, the car and Yizhi PLUS, UNI-V, Rui Cheng PLUS and other products to subdivide market share, in the car market with Changan Yida will compete with Pentium B70, Chuanqi GA6, Beijing U7 and other models.

According to the data, the latest data show that from January to February 2024, Changan Automobile's own brand new energy sales totaled 75000 vehicles, an increase of more than 54 per cent year-on-year. According to the latest data, from January to February 2024, Changan Automobile's own brand new energy sales totaled 75000 vehicles, an increase of more than 54 percent over the same period last year. With regard to this year's sales target, Zhu Huarong, chairman of Changan Automobile, said that the next two years will be a period of great opportunity for Changan Automobile. Changan Automobile will sprint for the sales target of 2.8 million vehicles this year, of which new energy sales will exceed 750000, of which Changan Automobile will bear 1.25 million; Changan Qiyuan 250000, Deep Blue 280000, Avita 90, 000, Changan Kacheng 230000, while overseas markets will bear 480000.

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