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Dry and dry! Huawei launches new brand

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On April 24th, Huawei smart car solution BU (hereinafter referred to as "car BU") launched a new brand of smart car solution-Qianqi, and released ten new products covering many areas, such as dry driving, dry car cloud, dry car control, Hongmeng cockpit and so on.

As a new brand of smart car solutions, Qianqi will cover the newly upgraded solutions such as "dry ADS", "dry car control", "dry car cloud" and so on. Jin Yuzhi, BU CEO of Huawei's smart car solution, said that Qian Jie will start its first year of commercial use this year, and its partners include Lantu, Mengshi, Shenlan, Avita, GAC MOTOR, Jihu, Hengjie, Mengjie, Zhijie and the smart car brands Huawei cooperates with Jianghuai. It is estimated that more than 500000 vehicles will be equipped with Huawei's smart driving system by the end of the year.

It is understood that car BU is the smart car solutions division established by Huawei in May 2019, which is managed by the ICT Management Committee and belongs to Huawei's first-tier department. The president is Wang Jun and the top person is Xu Zhijun. After the establishment of this department, Huawei also began to enter the car race track.

At present, Huawei's cooperation with car companies includes three business models: Tier1 (traditional parts supplier model, supplying intelligent parts for car companies), HI model (Huawei Inside mode) and smart selection model. Among these three modes, the spare parts supply mode mainly provides ICT (Information and Communication Technology) components, while the HI mode is upgraded to provide a full range of solutions for the intelligent part of the vehicle, that is, to sell Huawei's full-stack smart car solutions to car companies with strong technical strength. The cooperation of smart car model is more in-depth. Huawei is not only deeply involved in product development and design, but also sells through Huawei's channels, including Cyrus, Chery, BAIC and Jianghuai.

Although Huawei has repeatedly reiterated that it does not build cars, its layout in the automotive field is getting wider and wider. GAC MOTOR, Lantu Automobile, Zero run Automobile and Kaiyi Automobile joined Hongmeng Ecology and became the first batch of automotive industry partners for Hongmeng's native applications, Huawei Terminal Cloud Service official Weiwei announced on March 15.

Data show that since its inception, car BU has invested more than 30 billion yuan in research and development, with 7000 R & D personnel, and seven strategic cooperative models have been put on the market. In March this year, Huawei's smart car selection business turned into profit in the first quarter of this year, and the smart car solution BU business is close to the edge of break-even. It is expected to start from April, or turn a loss into profit, showing a positive development.

Yu Chengdong, Huawei's managing director, terminal BG CEO and Huawei smart car solution BU CEO, pointed out that Huawei's BU is to be profitable by 2025, and the prerequisite for achieving this goal is to help auto companies sell 1 million vehicles. The cooperation between Huawei and car companies will be closer after the launch of the new solution "Qianqi" brand by car BU.

In response to the previous rumors of "Huawei BU partnering with Japanese brands", Chi Linchun, president of Huawei's smart car solution BU marketing and sales services, responded to the Financial Associated Press: Huawei BU has cooperated with many car companies and definitely hopes to grant products to various car companies. " After we have signed cooperation points with many car companies, many car companies are reluctant to announce it now, and the official release will prevail in the end. Whether it is a joint venture brand, independent brand, or overseas brand, we launch a variety of cooperation models to facilitate customers to choose our products. "

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