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3.68 million! Dongfeng warrior M-HUNTER starts pre-sale

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Today, Dongfeng Warriors announced for the first time at the Beijing Auto Show that the pre-price of the Mengshi M-HUNTER Hunter off-road model starts at 3.68 million yuan.

Officials say they will recruit 33 potential users around the world as angel founders of Mengshi M-HUNTER. It is understood that the new car is designed for the world's top off-road players with extreme performance, equipped with a variety of military-grade cool techs and aviation-grade carbon fiber materials. According to the accumulative total, the Mengshi M-HUNTER is a model launched by Dongfeng's Mengshi Technology, an all-terrain performance car tailored for off-road players, targeting the Babos 900 climbers.

Appearance: the overall shape of the vehicle is very unique, there is no windshield and traditional complete doors. The front surrounding position is designed with steel guard bars, and the whole body is covered with carbon fiber, which makes the vehicle look rugged. X-style headlights are arranged on both sides, and a glowing fierce LOGO is arranged above the front grille, which greatly improves the recognition of the vehicle. The rear part of the car is equipped with narrow taillights on both sides, and the center of the two taillights are equipped with luminous LOGO, which echoes with the front of the car. In the rear cabin space is equipped with two spare off-road tires, full of personality.

In terms of interior decoration, the red fully wrapped bucket sports seat is used in the interior of the fierce M-HUNTER to enhance the comfort of the vehicle. In addition, a large number of hollowed-out designs are used in the car, which can further reduce the body weight. The central control is mainly equipped with a large screen, and the left and right mirrors are electronic. The position above the roof is equipped with a variety of off-road equipment and roof LED searchlights, highlighting the off-road properties of the vehicle. In terms of function, the built-in electronic rearview mirror can carry satellite phone, expandable multi-function bracket, removable central control screen, offline map and other functions.

The body structure is a tubular body structure, which looks very simple. In terms of power, or equipped with a three-motor system, details have yet to be officially announced. Judging from the overall appearance of the Mengshi M-HUNTER, the new car is still unique. But it is worth mentioning that the price from 3.68 million yuan is undoubtedly the latest ceiling of the price of domestic off-road vehicles. With reference to millions of off-road models in China, BYD currently looks up to the off-road player version of U8 for 1.098 million yuan.

Relevant information shows that Dongfeng Mengshi is a high-end electric vehicle brand under Dongfeng Motor. Zhu Yanfeng, chairman of Dongfeng Company, once said: Dongfeng wants to replicate the advantages of new forces in building cars and launch a new new energy customized product "M" in 2022. It is understood that the positioning of the high-end electric off-road M division is similar to that of the Great Wall tank, but its models will use new energy forms, and the products will be standard electric Hummers, focusing on the high-end off-road market.

According to official plans, the fierce brand will launch no less than one new model a year from 2023, and officials say the launch of more new cars will help Dongfeng seize market share of high-end electric vehicles. However, with the increasingly fierce competition in the new energy market, many car companies turn their attention to new energy off-road models, and the listing of new models is bound to face fierce competition.

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