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313200! BYD's latest sales release

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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As the country's largest manufacturer of new energy vehicles, BYD once again handed over a sales performance. On the evening of May 1st, BYD's sales of new energy vehicles were announced by KuaiBao in April. Data show that BYD's sales of new energy vehicles in April 2024 were 313245, up 48.96% from the same period last year, and up 3.57% from January to April, up 23.24% from January to April.

At present, BYD has launched four major brands, including BYD, Teng Teng, equation Leopard and look up, with product prices ranging from one million luxury to less than 100000 yuan, and a number of products dominate the passenger car market segment. Data show that at present, Dynasty and Ocean are the main sources of sales of BYD, with April sales of 158700 and 139000 respectively. Among them, the highest-selling model in Dynasty Network is the Qin family, which is 51200, while that of Song, Yuan, Han and Tang is 37100, 34700, 21500 and 14200 respectively, while that of Song PLUS is 43700, followed by Seagull and Destroyer 05, which is 34800 and 32,800 respectively, and 14,300 seals and dolphins are 14,300 and 10,100 respectively.

As BYD's earliest brand to lay out the high-end market, Tengli sold 11100 vehicles in April. At present, Tengli has three models: D9, N8 and N7, most of which come from Tengli D9. In April, the Tengli D9 was 10000, accounting for the vast majority of the total sales, while Teng Teng N7 and Teng Teng N8 were 1058 and 33 respectively.

On April 7, Tencent announced that its new sedan will be named Z9 GT. The new car has been unveiled at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show. The new car will be positioned as a "flagship sedan" and will sell for a million, comparable to the Porsche Palamera.

Let's take a look at the sales performance of the look-up and equation Leopard brand in April, the cumulative sales of the brand in April was 952 vehicles, all from U8 models. Looking up to the brand is that BYD launched a new high-end new energy brand in November 2022, which is wholly owned by BYD Automotive Industry Co., Ltd., targeting millions of markets. The first model, the U8, was launched in September last year and is positioned as a high-end hardline off-road SUV with a price of 1.098 million yuan.

The equation Leopard brand sold 2110 vehicles in April, all from the Leopard 5 model. Equation Leopard, a brand new brand under BYD, announced its brand name in June 2023, positioning between momentum and looking up, focusing on luxury, personality and volume tasks. Leopard 5 went on sale in November last year and launched three models with a price range of 28.98 yuan to 352800 yuan. On April 16, at the spring launch of the equation Leopard brand, the Leopard 8, the second mass production model under the equation Leopard brand, made its global debut. As the second model of equation Leopard, the new car is based on the BYD DMO super hybrid off-road platform, targeting the large hardline SUV, higher than the Leopard 5, and is expected to launch in the second half of this year, competing with the Tank 700Hi4-T and Toyota Lande Cool Luze. In addition, the new SUPRE 9 concept car and the equation Leopard 3 concept car are also released.

Overall, BYD has an absolute leading position in the new energy vehicle market, but the main source of sales is still relying on Dynasty and Ocean. At present, except for D9, other products of the Tengli brand do not have a more objective market performance. And look up and equation Leopard brand performance is also very limited, it is difficult to measure in a short period of time. From the sales data, it is not difficult to find that for BYD, which makes household cars, it is much more difficult for the brand to go up than down.

Last night, BYD officially announced that the dynasty net series has launched the latest replacement subsidy policy, with a maximum of 18000 yuan for state subsidy plus factory subsidy, including Han, Tang, Song Pro, Song L, Qin PLUS, Yuan plus and Yuan UP, etc. It is understood that users who buy BYD Dynasty net series models for replacement can enjoy a state subsidy of up to 10000 yuan and a BYD subsidy of up to 8000 yuan. At the same time, they can also enjoy a minimum down payment of 0 yuan, an arbitrary loan term of 12-60 years, a down payment of 40% with 24 periods of zero interest, and a financial policy of 50% down payment of 50% of the final payment and 0 interest of one year.

In addition, at the Beijing auto show, BYD Qin L, Seal 06 DM-i, Sea Lion 07 EV, U7 and OCEAN-M and other brand-new models were unveiled. It is expected that BYD's product camp will be more perfect after more new cars are launched. According to the plan, BYD has set a target of 45-5 million vehicles in 2024, 150-2 million more than the target of 3 million in 2023. As for whether the launch of more new cars and the replacement subsidy policy will lead to sales growth for BYD, let's wait and see.

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