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Cadillac confirms that fuel vehicles will continue to be sold after 2030

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to foreign media reports, John Roth, the current global vice president of Cadillac, said in a speech that the brand plans to continue to sell fuel cars after 2030, and we want to make sure that we have such a wide range of options in the market and that both sides have the opportunity to meet the needs of our customers. Earlier, Rory Harvey, then Cadillac's global vice president, said the brand planned to stop selling internal combustion engines by 2030.

Cadillac said in a statement that there is no "one-way line" in the auto industry and nothing is absolute. According to Cadillac's official data, 60% of luxury car users will consider buying an electric car the next time they buy a car, and the company is adjusting its plan according to user feedback. To that end, Cadillac will have an all-electric product line after 2030, but it will also offer internal combustion engine models for consumers to choose from, a strategy that seems to ensure that brands can adapt to the diverse needs of the market. at the same time gradually transition to new energy models.

The move does not mean that Cadillac will slow the transformation of electric cars. On the contrary, Cadillac will continue to increase investment in the field of electric vehicles and actively explore transitional technologies such as plug-in hybrid power, hoping to gradually realize the transition from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles through this smooth transition.

So far, Cadillac has launched or exposed five new all-electric models, namely the expensive and more symbolic Celestiq, Escalade ESCALADE IQ, VISTIQ, IQ Ruige and IQ. Among them, IQ Ruige positioning medium and large SUV, is the first pure electric SUV based on the Orteneng platform, listed in June 2023, the current price range is 29.77-419700 yuan. IQ Aoge is the second pure electric SUV created by the Autenon platform, which went on sale at the 2024 Beijing Auto Show with a price of 23.97-269700 yuan. As the second Cadillac pure electric model, the launch of IQ also shows Cadillac's determination to accelerate the layout of the luxury pure electric market.

In addition, this year Cadillac will launch the VISTIQ, which is the fourth SUV based on the Ortenon smart electric platform, positioned between IQ Ruige and Escalade ESCALADE IQ, and positioned as a luxury pure electric large SUV. It will form a Cadillac pure electric "LOVE" combination with IQ Ruige, IQ proud song and Escalade ESCALADE IQ to further strengthen the pure electric family product spectrum. It is understood that Cadillac VISTIQ will be launched this year, to the standard Wei to ES8, ideal L9, M9 and other models. As for the Cadillac Celestiq, the mass-production version was unveiled at the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show and will be introduced to China through General Motors' high-end imported car platform The Durant Guild.

For Cadillac, what is delivered to users is not only a pure streetcar, but also the Cadillac brand and stick to the original intention of building cars for a century.

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