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Can it be hot? The order of ET in Xingtuxing era exceeds 13000.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Huang Zhaogen, general manager of Xingtuo Marketing Center, posted on Weibo on May 4 that Xingtuxing era ET orders have exceeded 13000 and will go on sale on May 9. Star era ET is the first SUV in the Xingtuxing era series. At present, the new car has been pre-sold on April 15, with a total of 8 equipped models, with a pre-sale range of 19.9-329000 yuan. As for the price, Gao Gao Hua, executive deputy general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., said that there may be differences in official prices and will continue to listen to the voices of users and adjust the layout strategy.

According to the previous report of Automotive Industry concern, Star era ET is based on Chery's new E0X electric platform, positioning medium and large SUV, providing both pure electricity and extended range power options. According to the plan, the ET pure electric series will be delivered in advance, and the ET extended range series will be delivered in May.

In terms of appearance, the new car uses a simple design style similar to that of the Star era ES, the headlamp group uses a split shape, and the LED daytime driving lights use a penetrating light belt design. In addition, the "EXEED" letter logo on the front face of the new car enhances the recognition of the vehicle, and the decorative panels with different materials and colors are surrounded to create a sense of hierarchy. On the side of the body, the waistline of the new car is very smooth and full, and the window frame and side skirt are blackened to further enhance the fashion sense of the new car. In addition, the new car also uses popular design elements such as large rims, hidden door handles and frameless doors. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4955/1975/1698mm and the wheelbase is 3000mm. In the rear part, the new car also uses the through taillight group layout, which echoes with the front face, and the rear bumper is treated with bright black, which further enhances the sense of movement of the vehicle.

In the interior part, the new car is equipped with a 15.6-inch 2.5K central control screen, and the car system includes functions such as home interconnection, baby mode, pet mode, singing mode, etc., and is equipped with a two-spoke multi-function steering wheel with a flat bottom, which makes the overall sense of technology good. In terms of power, the new car provides two sets of power systems, pure electricity and extended range. Among them, the pure electric version is based on the 800V architecture, the maximum motor power of the single motor version is 230 kilowatts and the peak torque is 425 Nm, the maximum power of the front motor of the Pro four-wheel drive dual-motor version is 123 kilowatts and the maximum power of the rear motor is 230 kilowatts, and the maximum power of the front motor of the Ultrafour-wheel drive dual-motor model is 183 kilowatts and 230 kilowatts. The extended-range version is based on a 400-volt architecture and is equipped with a 1.5T extender. The maximum power of the rear motor is 195 kilowatts and the maximum torque is 324 Nm.

Considering the positioning and price of the new car, as a medium and large SUV model with 20-400000 yuan, the pure electric version of the new car will compete with competitive ‍ such as Xiaopeng G9, Avita 11 and Hobalt HT, while the extended-range version will also compete with competitive ‍ such as M7, ideal L7, Lanto FREE, Teng Teng N7, etc.

Star era ET is the high-end brand of Chery Group, and Star era ET is the hope for the brand to move to the high end. Yin Tongyue has previously said that the price of Star era ET in the Middle East market will reach 1 million yuan, which means that this price may become the highest price for Chinese car exports.

According to the plan, in the next 20 months, Chery will release 15 pure electric / extended range models and 24 plug-in models. Among them, the Star era series will release six new models in the next three years.

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