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The latest sales of Great Wall Motor are announced!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On May 6th, Great Wall released April production and sales figures. According to the data, Great Wall sold 94796 vehicles in April 2024, up 1.80% from a year earlier. The cumulative sales from January to April were 370129, up 18.18% from a year earlier.

At present, Great Wall has five major car brands, of which the passenger car market includes Harvard, Tank, Euler and Wei Brand. Among these four brands, the Harvard brand is the sales pillar of Great Wall, accounting for more than half of the total sales. Data show that the Harvard brand sold 47054 vehicles in April, accounting for 49.64% of total sales, but down 9.97% from January to April, up 15.11% from January to April.

At present, Harvard's models on sale include H5, H6, H9 and M6 of the Harvard alphabet series, Hafer Dogs of the dog series, Hafer II Big Dogs and Haverku Dogs, and Haver owl / fierce dragon MAX, Haver Raptors, and Harvard Red Rabbit and Haver Divine Beast. Although there are many models, there are only two popular models: Harvard H6 and Harvard Dog. Retail data show that from January to March. Harvard H6, Haver Dog and Harvard Raptor sold 47505, 20854 and 8301 vehicles respectively, while the rest sold less than 7000 vehicles. As the support of Great Wall, although the Harvard brand products are not small, but the year-on-year growth has slowed in recent years, the Harvard brand urgently needs to narrow the product line and launch products that are more recognized by consumers.

As the only pure electric brand under Great Wall, the Euler brand sold 4686 vehicles in April, down 47.35% from a year earlier, making it the biggest increase for the Great Wall brand. In fact, the decline in sales of the Euler brand is related to the weak development of its new energy vehicles.

Since the suspension of the sale of black cat and white cat models, Euler has not launched any new models in nearly a year, and the overall source of sales depends only on Euler good cats. At present, the models on sale include Euler good Cat, Ballet Cat and Lightning Cat. Among them, due to the small size of Ballet Cat and Lightning Cat, the performance of the car market is average. Retail data show that from January to March, Euler Cat, Lightning Cat and Ballet Cat sold 9896, 928,378 respectively.

In contrast, the sales volume of Wei Brand has increased significantly since the launch of the Blue Mountain model. Figures show that Wei sold 4458 vehicles in April, up 87.71 per cent from a year earlier. At present, Wei brand models on sale include Blue Mountain, Alpine, Mocha, latte and so on. The vast majority of Wei brand sales come from Wei brand Lanshan. Combined with the previous March sales, the cumulative sales of Wei brand from January to March are 9608, while the retail sales of Lanshan are 6715.

Judging from the cumulative sales from January to April, although Wei Brand increased by 143.44% to 14066 vehicles compared with the same period last year, its position in the car market is far inferior to that of the Harvard brand and the tank brand. According to previous reports, Great Wall plans to restart the salon brand and integrate it into Wei Brand this year, and the first salon brand, the machine armour, will be released in the second half of this year in the form of Wei Brand's first sedan. If this news is true, it may further boost sales of Wei Brand.

Tank brand sales in April were 20469, up 87.51% from January to April, up 98.30% from January to April. At present, there are five models on sale under the tank brand, including tank 300, tank 400, tank 500, tank 700 and tank 330, but for tanks, their sales mainly rely on a popular model of tank 300. this also means that "how to improve product strength and sales" is a compulsory course that tank brands have to face. According to the plan, in addition to the above models, the follow-up tank brand will also launch tank 800 and other models, and the future products will cover the compact, medium-and large-scale and full-size "high-end cross-country SUV" market. It is unclear whether the launch of new cars will boost tank brand sales.

Overall, Great Wall Motor still achieved an increase of 18.18% in the first four months of this year compared with the same period last year, but it should be noted that the car market in 2024 is different from that in 2023, and the car market in 2024 is destined to be fiercely competitive. The fierce price war undoubtedly brings a lot of pressure to all car companies, and Great Wall Motor is no exception.

In terms of new energy vehicles, Great Wall sold 22436 vehicles in April and a cumulative sales of 81618 from January to April. At present, the pace of Great Wall Automobile in the transformation of new energy is relatively slow, and it has not yet become a popular model, which for the current Great Wall Motor, the pressure is obvious. At the moment of transformation, Great Wall is in urgent need of new energy courses, and when the transformation can be successful, or the key for Great Wall to get out of the sales dilemma.

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