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Ledao Automobile official website is online, the first car L60 will be released soon.

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On May 6, the official website of Ledao car of Xilai was officially launched, and the first model, Ledao L60, also appeared on the front page. The official website shows "Please look forward to the first model L60", but apart from the official L0G0 style, the official website has not given any other information. Prior to this, on April 6, Ledao had registered with Weibo, but as of press time, the Weibo had not uploaded an avatar or posted any blog posts.

It is understood that Ledao Automobile is a Quanxinzi brand of Ledao Motors, whose name means "happy family and good housekeeping" and is called "ONVO" in English. The brand focuses on the home market, and the Ledao L60 is its first model, positioning medium-sized pure electric SUV. The whole series of models will be developed based on the third generation technology platform NT3.0, and will share the power exchange network with Xilai. After listing, it will be marked with Tesla Model Y.

At present, the effect picture of Ledao L60 has been exposed on the Internet. Combined with the previously exposed spy photos and the latest effect pictures, the front face of the new car uses a simple design style, closed grille with split headlight group design, the whole is quite recognizable. The shape of the lower air intake further adds a sense of movement to the vehicle. The side of the body is also simple, the lines are smooth and smooth, and the roof uses a slippery back shape and is equipped with two iconic high-pixel cameras, equipped with frameless doors, privacy glass, hidden door handles, brand-new two-color rims and matte material panels in many parts of the body, making the vehicle look quite dynamic. In terms of size, the new car is positioned as a medium-sized pure electric SUV, and the size is expected to be larger than the Bitzra Model Y. As a reference, the length, width and height of Tesla Model Y are 4750/1921/1624mm and the wheelbase is 2890mm.

In the rear part, the new car is similar to the sedan car SUV styling design, the new car taillights do not use the current popular through styling, but the sharp and slender split design, the central Ledao brand LOGO embellishment, the shape is similar to the letter "N". The lower part warps up slightly and provides bright black ornaments to make the tail shape more straight and more fashionable.

The interior and power have not yet been officially disclosed. According to reports, the interior of the new car is expected to use a horizontal screen layout, equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 cockpit chip. The power system is based on a 900V high voltage silicon carbide platform, which is expected to consume less than 13 kilowatt hours in 100 kilometers, and provides 60kWh and 90kWh battery packs, the former for BYD's lithium iron phosphate battery pack and the latter for Ningde era's ternary lithium battery pack. However, as of press time, the official did not respond to the news.

At present, the information about Ledao is very limited, but with the launch of Ledao's official Weibo and website, it means that Lodao's first model will soon be available to consumers. At the recent Beijing Auto Show, Li Bin, CEO of Ledao, said that Ledao's positioning of the home market will be officially launched in the third quarter of 2024 and delivery will begin in the fourth quarter.

According to the previous news, the Ledao L60 will face the household market of 200000-300000 yuan. For Ledao, as a brand new brand, Ledao will assume the important task of sales and market share of Lulai. It should be noted that the current competition in the household market of 200000-300000 yuan is quite fierce, including Tesla Model Y, Teng Teng N7, Ford Electric Horse and other models may become competitors of the Ledao L60.

According to the latest news, Nicholas Winslow, general manager of Weilai France, revealed at the France-China Business Forum in Paris that the first model, the L60, is expected to be released at the end of May this year. In addition to Lodao, Nicholas Winslow also revealed that Ulay will launch a second lower-positioning brand, Firefly, in Europe for less than $30, 000 (216500 yuan) in 2025. It is understood that the brand positioning city driving small electric vehicles, the price is expected to be less than 200000 yuan.

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