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It is exposed that the lock order of Xiaomi car is over 100000!

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Recently, car blogger @ Sun Shaojun posted on Weibo that Xiaomi's car lock has exceeded 100000.

Xiaomi SU7 was officially launched on March 28th, 2024, with a total of three configurations, priced at 215900 yuan for the standard version, 245900 yuan for the Pro version and 299900 yuan for the Max version. However, as of press time, Xiaomi official did not respond to the data, if the data is true, Xiaomi is expected to announce the news soon.

The 2024 Beijing Auto Show officially opened on April 25. as a local company with headquarters and factories in Beijing, Xiaomi participated in the auto show for the first time in three years, and the booth was full of people on its first day. Lei Jun said that as of April 24, Xiaomi SU7 locked more than 75723 vehicles, which also means that Xiaomi SU7 locked nearly 6000 new vehicles in just four days. According to this trend, it is reasonable for Xiaomi to win 25000 locks in nearly half a month.

It is understood that Xiaomi will sell 100000 cars in 2024. In other words, Xiaomi will be able to produce at least 100000 cars in 2024, while buying Xiaomi now may not be able to pick up the car until next year. According to Xiaomi APP, the delivery cycle of Xiaomi SU7 is 29-32 weeks, that of SU7 Pro is 30-33 weeks, and that of SU7 Max is 34-37 weeks. In other words, the millet car is now locked up and will not be delivered until next year at the latest.

Xiaomi completed the lock in 2024 in just 42 days. Take Wei Xiaoli as an example, it took 34 months for both Weilai and Xiaopeng to deliver from 1 to 100000 vehicles, and the ideal car was the shortest, but it also took 24 months to reach 100000 deliveries. If Xiaomi can deliver 100000 vehicles in 2024, it has indeed created a new highlight moment in the automotive industry.

For Xiaomi, orders are no longer a problem, and it is only Xiaomi's capacity that limits sales growth. According to the plan, Xiaomi Motor will build a full-vehicle plant with an annual capacity of 300000 vehicles in two phases. the first phase, with an annual production capacity of 150000 vehicles, has been completed in 2023 and is in the climbing stage; the second phase of the plant is scheduled to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025.

At present, although it is not known whether the target of 100000 vehicles can be achieved, with the current heat and locking volume of Xiaomi cars, it has achieved phased success. Of course, since its launch, Xiaomi has frequently appeared in the public eye because of a variety of problems, such as dropping paint without delivery, premium comparable to 500000 fuel cars, and being questioned because of the area of brake pads. Lei Jun said frankly in the broadcast room that "Xiaomi cars are so hot that they have to use a magnifying glass to see almost every detail."

Lei Jun has said that Xiaomi has to build cars because the car is in the tuyere. If Xiaomi wants to be a great company, it must get traffic, and the car on the tuyere can provide enough traffic. As a result, Xiaomi's car-building field is a forced choice. For Xiaomi, mass production of the first model has been achieved, and orders have far exceeded market expectations, but this is only the first step. If Xiaomi wants to find a way among many new energy car companies, it must face a lot of difficulties to overcome.

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