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Zhiji L6 discount 25000? The official refutes the rumor

2024-10-24 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On the evening of May 21, Zhiji posted on its official Weibo that recently some cyclists had reflected the news of "25000 yuan discount for Zhiji L6" in some discount groups. Zhiji clarified that there was no official activity and called on everyone not to be deceived by swindlers.

Rumors have been refuted that Zhiji L6 entry model 219900 yuan can enjoy 25000 yuan discount, that is, the starting price is pulled down to 194900 yuan, which is lower than the listing equity price.

Zhiji Automobile was founded on December 25, 2020, jointly established by SAIC and the governments of Alibaba and Zhangjiang, to position high-end intelligent electric vehicle brands. Zhiji L6 is the brand's fourth model, positioning medium and large pure electric sedan, launched on May 13, a total of five new models, listing equity price of 199900-325900 yuan.

As a brand-new model, the exterior and interior of the new car adopts a new design, and it is the first model in the industry to be equipped with ultra-fast solid-state batteries. The front face of the new car adopts the common closed grille design of pure electric vehicles, with sharp headlights on both sides to further enhance the momentum of the front face. The C-shaped diversion groove is equipped with a narrow strip trapezoidal air intake, and there is a small front shovel around the bottom, which visually enhances the motion sense of the whole vehicle. On the side of the body, the new car adopts slip-back design, sedan-type modeling with hidden door handle, outstanding visual effect, side layout is also relatively smooth, basically no edges and corners. In the rear part, the new car uses mainstream through taillights, surrounded by black trim panels and fog lights with longitudinal layout, which echoes with the diversion groove style of the front face. the rear is also equipped with a hatchback tail door with a maximum opening angle of 69 degrees. In terms of size, the new car is 4931/1960/1474mm in length, width and height, and 2950mm in wheelbase. Like Zhiji L7, it is also positioned as a medium and large car, but the new car is slightly smaller.

In terms of interior decoration, the new car is equipped with a 26.3in screen and a 10.5inch touch screen running through the center console, while the sub-instrument console is equipped with the same LS6 LCD touch screen, the bottom of the screen is designed to put the phone in the slot, and equipped with wireless charging function, the overall sense of technology. In addition, the new car also uses a half-spoke steering wheel, air conditioning outlet uses a more flat design, and there are few physical buttons in the car. In terms of power, the new car offers single-motor and dual-motor versions, of which the maximum power of single-motor version is 216kW and the maximum power of dual-motor version is 579kW. Zhiji L6 Max Lightyear Edition is the first to carry solid-state batteries with a capacity of 133kWhGraine CLTC with a pure electric mileage of more than 1000km. Other CLTC models have a range of 650-850km. In addition, the new car will also be equipped with the first generation of VMC (Vehicle Motion Control) smart digital chassis, equipped with rear wheel steering, intelligent electronically controlled shock absorbers and air suspension.

On May 21, Zhiji announced that Zhiji L6 had been locked up for a week. Of course, as a medium and large pure electric car, Zhiji L6 has many competitors, including BYD Han EV, Avita 12, Polar Krypton 007001, Zhijie S7, Red Flag EH7, Xiaomi SU7 and other models are all potential competitors.

As for the future performance of the Zhiji L6, Zhiji Co-CEO Liu Tao has previously said that any product will certainly go through some twists and turns before it really becomes a popular style. "although profitability is facing great challenges, with the increase in brand awareness, increased sales and the strength of the strong supply chain, Zhiji L6 can make a profit through technology cost reduction." As for whether Zhiji L6 listing can seize more market share, wait and see.

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