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The second Audi of 130000 drove for five days before spontaneous combustion: the reason for the car is that you find a car.

2024-06-10 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


AutoBeta( Report--

A man in Heilongjiang spent 130500 yuan on a used Audi car at a used car dealership. When he bought the car, the used car company promised that most of the parts of the car had not been moved. However, the car caught fire after five days of driving.


According to the man, the car was paid on October 11, and was picked up the next day. On October 17, the car was parked in the parking factory. When it was ready to drive, it was found to be smoking. He opened it and found that the car was on fire. The owner quickly brought a fire extinguisher to put out the fire.


After the car caught fire for no reason, the owner found a professional manufacturer for identification and found that the car was not only an accident car, but also a recall car. By looking up the relevant laws and regulations, it is found that this used car company not only does not have a business license, but also has no used car evaluation qualification, and there is no used car in its business scope.


The car owner felt that he had been cheated, so he took the relevant evidence collected to confront the second-hand car dealers. Unexpectedly, the car dealers not only failed to solve the problem, but also took an overbearing attitude.

The car company said that the car ignited spontaneously as soon as it left the gate, and this thing was not man-made. If it is the reason for this car, then go to the car, and there will be no such thing as insurance.


The car company also said that there is also a law for second-hand cars, so you can just follow the legal procedure and you don't have to come to us.


Later, the car owner reported the situation to the Market Supervision Administration, but half a month has passed, the matter is still not resolved, and there is no reply.


This matter has also aroused heated discussion among netizens, some netizens said that "very bold, 130000 of Audi also dare to buy." But then again, if the car owner had been more cautious and paid attention to the problems existing in the merchants, he might not have bought the car, let alone what would have happened later.




However, the current second-hand car industry is indeed mixed. It has been reported before that some second-hand car companies falsely report the condition of their cars when selling cars, change the mileage of their cars at will, and it is not a big deal to be cheated out of money. if concealing the actual situation of the vehicle leads to the owner's declaration that safety is threatened, who should be held responsible. Some merchants can tell lies against their conscience in order to sell their cars, so they can't easily believe what they say.

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