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It is said that Xiaomi SU7 rushed out of the parking lot causing one death and three injuries! Official statement

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On June 7, the topic #Xiaomi SU7 rushed out of the parking lot, killing one person and injuring three people #hit the Weibo hot search list.

According to multiple media reports, this morning, a millet SU7 occurred in a serious traffic accident while driving out of the parking lot in a community in Meilan District, Haikou City. According to video footage exposed on the Internet, the Xiaomi SU7 suddenly lost control of control as it drove out of the parking lot and accelerated towards the normally driving electric vehicles and passers-by on the non-motor vehicle lane. The accident eventually resulted in serious consequences of one death and one injury.

In response to the above accident, a spokesperson for Xiaomi Company and general manager of Xiaomi Group's public relations department responded this afternoon. A spokesperson for Xiaomi Company officially issued a statement saying that it had intervened as soon as possible after the accident occurred and was actively cooperating with the police to conduct inspections and surveys. After cooperating with the police to retrieve vehicle background data, all conditions of the vehicle were normal at the time of the accident, the brake pedal was normal, and the accelerator pedal was in a state of continuous depression. Xiaomi Automobile has provided the traffic police department with the vehicle data report at the time of the incident, and will actively cooperate and assist the police in the investigation in the future, and will disclose relevant results in a timely manner.

At the same time, the official pointed out that the relevant media had recklessly described words such as "vehicle out of control" and "brake failure" without understanding the facts and data, which was seriously inaccurate. Xiaomi Automobile will sincerely and properly cooperate with the car owner and relevant victims on the aftermath of this accident.

Xiaomi SU7 is a heavyweight model built by Xiaomi Automobile in three years. It is also Xiaomi Automobile's first model. It was launched on March 28 this year. The price range is 215,900 yuan to 299,900 yuan. It is available in power. Choice of dual-motor version and single-motor version.

As Xiaomi Group's first masterpiece to enter the new energy vehicle market, Xiaomi SU7 attracted the attention of many consumers and received extremely high traffic when it was launched. Data shows that Xiaomi SU7 deliveries in April and May this year were 7058 and 8630 respectively, and the market performance was quite outstanding.

For the current Xiaomi Automobile, it is facing production capacity problems. According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile's goal is to ensure the delivery of 100,000 new cars this year. On May 23, at Xiaomi Group's first-quarter 2024 earnings report, Xiaomi founder, chairman and CEO Lei Jun reiterated that Xiaomi's automobile factory will start double shift production in June, delivering at least 10,000 vehicles that month, and Ensure that at least 100,000 vehicles will be delivered and 120,000 vehicles will be sprinted in 2024. The latest report said that after proposing a target of 120,000 new cars delivery in 2024, Xiaomi Automobile Factory is recruiting a large number of workers and offering treatment conditions such as a monthly salary of up to 10,000 yuan and a salary of 13 at the end of the year.

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