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Surpass BMW Audi for the first time! Weekly sales of ideal cars announced

2024-10-24 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Terminal sales are released in the 23rd week of 2024 (6.3-6.9).

Judging from the list of brand sales of new energy vehicles in China, BYD undoubtedly ranked first in sales, topping the list with 52800 vehicles, followed by Tesla and ideal cars at 12000 and 10900 respectively. This is also the only brand with more than 10,000 sales, especially ideal cars, which are in the top three for the first time. In the top 10 sales brand rankings, AITO is closely followed by ideal cars, followed by Ian, Wuling, Polar Krypton, Zero, Ulay and Lecker, respectively.

Let's take a look at the list of new power sales. Ideal cars once again surpassed AITO to become the top seller of new forces in a week, with 10900 ideal cars and 8900 AITO cars.

The ideal car once again won the crown of the new power, mainly thanks to the ideal L6. It is worth mentioning that ideal car also successfully overtook BMW and Audi to become the luxury brand second only to Tesla and Mercedes-Benz, and also ranked among the top three new energy brands in the Chinese market. For now, the market performance of the ideal car is beginning to stabilize, but according to the annual delivery target of 56-640000 vehicles, the pressure on the ideal car is still huge.

Compared with the ideal car, the boundary is steady and good, and the performance of 8900 vehicles is also extraordinary. If you add Chery, Hongmeng Zhixuan is expected to sell more than 10,000 vehicles a week, but it is still less than the ideal car. Yu Chengdong said earlier that May is a period of product adjustment, and the replacement of the main products has led to a decline in sales in the short term. Sales are expected to return to rapid growth in June, which will hit 40,000 monthly sales. It is understood that the M7 Ultra officially listed, the price range is 28.98-329800 yuan, the sword refers to the ideal L6. As a model owned by Hongmeng Zhihang, the biggest advantage of the M7 over its two competitors is that it is equipped with the smart driving system provided by Huawei. In addition, the M7 Ultra has a layout of 5 seats and 6 seats, which can better meet the diversified needs of family users.

For other brands, polar krypton sold more than 4000 vehicles a week, or 4200. Last night, polar krypton released its first financial report after going public, with revenue of 14.737 billion yuan in the first quarter of this year, up 71% from the same period last year, and a net loss of 2.022 billion yuan, down 18% from the same period last year. As of March 31, 2024, the company's cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash were 3.791 billion yuan.

Zero running cars and Weilai are 3800 and 3500 respectively, Deep Blue cars are 2500, Tengli and Xiaomi are both 2100. In the "Wei Xiaoli" camp, the three also gradually opened the gap, ideal weekly sales of 10900 cars, Weilai 3500, while Xiaopeng only 1800, ranking ninth. In the top 10 list, there is no sign of new energy brands that are common in the market, such as Nashi Automobile, Wei Brand, Lantu and so on.

Terminal sales show that Xiaomi delivered 2100 cars in the latest week, ranking eighth on the list of new forces. According to Lei Jun, the Xiaomi car factory will start double-shift production in June, deliver at least 10, 000 vehicles that month, and ensure at least more than 100000 vehicles and a sprint of 120000 vehicles in 2024. At present, the main challenge Xiaomi faces is delivery capacity. According to Sina Science and Technology, Xiaomi Automobile Factory is recruiting a large number of workers with benefits of basic salary + performance + meal supplement + night compensation + over-8-hour overtime pay, 1.5 times the basic salary of working days, double on Saturdays and Sundays, 3 times of legal holidays, comprehensive monthly salary of about 8000 yuan, up to tens of thousands of yuan, 13 salary for the whole year, and become a regular worker to pay five insurances. As well as benefits such as high temperature subsidies, and even an advance of 500-800 yuan a week.

According to the ranking of new power brands in the Chinese market in May, ideal car, AITO and Polar Krypton were the top three in the month, with delivery of 10900, 8900 and 4200 respectively. From today's delivery reality, the gap between the major brands is still very obvious, which is the best-selling car in the past has disappeared, the gap between "Wei Xiaoli" is still very large, extreme krypton, millet cars and so on began to attack upward.

In terms of luxury brand sales list, Tesla, Mercedes-Benz and ideal ranked in the top three, with 12000 vehicles, 11000 vehicles and 10900 vehicles respectively. Among them, ideal car overtook BMW and Audi into the top three for the first time, while the latter two sold 10500 and 9500 vehicles respectively. Audi is the only brand in BBA with weekly sales of no more than 10,000. In addition, the three major Chinese brands, Mengjie, Polar Krypton and Weilai, ranked 7-8, while Lexus ranked ninth with 2600 vehicles and Tengli ranked 10th.

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