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Tesla? Xiaopeng will launch a right rudder model in Hong Kong

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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Xiaopeng plans to launch a right-hand rudder model in Hong Kong, which is expected to go on sale next year and compete with car brands such as Tesla, according to a report released by Hong Kong's South China Morning Post on June 23. Gu Hong, vice chairman and president of Xiaopeng, was quoted as saying: "Xiaopeng will provide a car in Hong Kong that is different from the existing electric vehicles. The right rudder accounts for a large part of the electric vehicle market, which is different from other electric vehicles in the Hong Kong market. Xiaopeng's main advantage lies in the NGP function."

Data show that sales in Hong Kong's new energy market are not high. In January, for example, less than 2000 new energy vehicles were sold in January, of which BYD sold 344 and Tesla sold 316. According to the above report, Xiaopeng's right rudder model launched in Hong Kong will compete with Tesla. It should be noted that Tesla has become the top seller in Hong Kong market many times before. Data show that Tesla became the best-selling brand in Hong Kong's new energy market with sales of nearly 7400 vehicles from January to September 2022, most of which were Model Y.

In fact, as early as when Xiaopeng listed in Hong Kong in 2021, he Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng, said: "Hong Kong will be the main market for Xiaopeng right rudder in the future." however, he Xiaopeng did not disclose more details about the model at that time, saying only: "it still takes time to prepare, the relevant products are still under development, and the authorities will disclose the relevant rhythm at a critical time."


In addition to the Hong Kong market, Xiaopeng has previously said it plans to launch two overseas models this year and a third in 2024.

Xiaopeng first laid out its overseas market layout in 2020, of which Norway is the first overseas market of Xiaopeng's layout. In February 2021, Xiaopeng set up its European headquarters in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, and set up offices in Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden. In February 2022, Xiaopeng launched the Chinese brand go-to-sea 2.0 model and opened its first direct experience store in Stockholm, Sweden. However, Xiaopeng's overseas market performance is also very mediocre, according to data website Cleantechnica, in the Norwegian market, Xiaopeng sold only 1006 vehicles in two years.

In February this year, Xiaopeng announced that it would launch G9 pure electric medium-sized SUV and P7 pure electric medium-sized cars in Europe. He Xiaopeng, chairman and CEO of Xiaopeng Motor, said on Weibo that the company will launch a "version 2.0" overseas expansion plan from the third quarter, when it will launch the P7 and G9.


According to the official website, Xiaopeng's models on sale include Xiaopeng P7, Xiaopeng P7i, P5, G3i and G9. Xiaopeng will launch five new cars this year, of which the Xiaopeng G6 model is located as a medium-sized pure electric SUV, which is expected to go on sale at the end of the second quarter and begin large-scale delivery in July, when it competes with Tesla Model Y. From the analysis of the current product structure of Xiaopeng, Xiaopeng G3 and P5 have entered the middle and end of the product, and the competitiveness of the pure electricity market at the level of 10-200000 is gradually weakening, while Xiaopeng G9 is also facing challenges at the sales end because of its relatively high price. This also means that Xiaopeng P7i and G6 models will to a large extent become the support of Xiaopeng car sales.


Data show that Xiaopeng delivered a total of 18230 new cars in the first quarter of this year, down 47.25% from the same period last year. Calculated according to the annual delivery target of 200000 vehicles, it means that the current annual completion rate of Xiaopeng car sales in the first quarter is only 9.1%. It should be noted that this is Xiaopeng's fifth consecutive quarter-on-quarter decline.

At the 15th China Automobile Blue Book Forum, Xiaopeng CEO he Xiaopeng said: starting from the third quarter of this year, Xiaopeng will enter a weak positive cycle, and the speed of Xiaopeng's positive cycle will accelerate throughout the year after the beginning of the third quarter. From the third quarter of next year to the end of 2025, Xiaopeng will enter a positive cycle of ultra-high speed.

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