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Nissan's latest sales in China: down 30%

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta autobeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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On Sept. 7, Nissan China announced terminal car sales in August. Nissan sold 64905 terminal vehicles in China in August, down 29.36% from a year earlier, while Dongfeng Nissan (including Nissan, Qichen and Infiniti brands) sold 61967 vehicles, down 29.69% from a year earlier, according to the data. In addition, Nissan's cumulative sales of terminal cars in China as of August 2023 were 482921, down 31.87 per cent from a year earlier.


Earlier, Honda China also released the latest sales figures. Honda sold 102257 terminal cars in China in August, down 25.10% from a year earlier to 721639 from January to August, down 23.98% from a year earlier, according to the data. It is worth mentioning that Honda China has stopped disclosing the sales of its joint venture since May, but we can clearly feel the challenges Honda faces in China.

At present, Nissan's domestic passenger cars include Xuanyi, Xiaoke, Teana, Qijun, Jinke, Bluebird, Loulan and so on. Xuanyi is the main selling model of Dongfeng Nissan and the evergreen model of the joint venture compact car. Xuanyi sold a total of 194500 in the previous July, accounting for 56.3% of the total sales of the Dongfeng Nissan brand. At the same time, sales of other Dongfeng Nissan models are also very worrying, with Teana and Haoke selling 47800 and 58400 respectively, while models such as Bluebird, Tuda and Quetta are even more miserable.


In addition to fuel vehicles, the performance of new energy vehicles is also poor. At present, the new energy models sold by Dongfeng Nissan include Qichen Big V DD-i Super Hybrid, Super Hybrid Drive Qijun, Ariya AiRuiya, Super Hybrid Electric Drive Xuanyi, and Xuanyi Electric Drive e-POWER, of which 1469 Ariya have been sold.

With the rise of domestic cars, the advantages of many overseas car companies in China, including Nissan, have been challenged in many ways. At present, competition in the pure electric market is fierce, and joint venture brands are all laying out new energy markets. Japanese car companies, such as Toyota and Honda, are making great efforts to increase the electrification transformation, successively launching bZ4X and ERV N series pure electric models, while from the domestic market, Japanese pure electric models do not have much sense of existence in China. In particular, Ariya Ai Ruiya, even if the price reduction has not been recognized by consumers.

The cold wave is still clinging to the flavor of spring, and the new war is continuing. If Nissan wants to stay in the Chinese market, it must do something in the electric car market, but it turns out that its time is running out, and a number of Chinese automakers, including BYD, have begun to encroach on the joint venture market. this will bring great pressure and challenges to the electrification of Dongfeng Nissan.

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