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Sales list of new energy vehicles in November

2024-07-27 Update From: AutoBeta NAV: AutoBeta > News >


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According to the latest retail sales data of the Federation of passengers, retail sales in the domestic narrow passenger car market in November were 2.079 million, up 25.9 percent from the same period last year and 2.3 percent from the previous year, of which 841000 were new energy vehicles, up 39.8 percent from the same period last year and 8.9 percent from the previous year. In addition, a total of 19.345 million vehicles were sold from January to November, up 5.3 percent from the same period last year, of which 6.808 million new energy vehicles were sold, up 35.2 percent from the same period last year.

According to the statistics of the Tramway report, the top three companies in sales of new energy vehicles in November 2023 are BYD, Tesla and Geely, with sales of 263100, 65500 and 63500 respectively. According to statistics, in November, the sales of new energy vehicle companies on the list were all more than 10,000, and all achieved year-on-year growth, of which ideal Automobile, Great Wall Automobile, Cyrus Automobile and Xiaopeng Motor all increased by more than 100% year-on-year.

It is not surprising that BYD has become the top seller. Figures show that BYD sold 263100 cars in November, up 20.9% from a year earlier. However, although BYD tops the list of new energy vehicle sales, its growth rate is far less than that of other manufacturers. At present, BYD has launched four major brands, including BYD, Teng Teng, equation Leopard and look up, of which the largest source of sales is BYD, with 250100 cars sold by Dynasty + Ocean net, 11500 cars by Teng Teng and 408 cars by Wang Wang. Equation Leopard is 626. By the end of November, BYD had accumulated wholesale sales of 2.6834 million vehicles, an increase of 64.29% over the same period last year. According to the annual sales target of 3 million vehicles, BYD needs to sell 316600 vehicles in December, which is a record that BYD has never had before, and there is still some pressure on BYD.

The performance of ideal car is very bright, delivering 41030 new cars in November, up 172.9% from a year earlier, reaching a new high in a single month, and this is the first time that it has delivered more than 40, 000 vehicles a month for the first time this year. At present, ideal cars on sale include L7, L8 and L9, all of which are hybrid models with added programs, with prices above 300000 yuan, including 16600 L7, 12500 L8 and 12000 L9. According to the plan, ideal Automobile will launch the first pure electric MPV model-MEGA, and will launch the L6, a hybrid car with an addition of less than 300000 yuan next year.

Great Wall Motor also performed as expected in the new energy vehicle market, with sales of 28900 new energy vehicles in November, an increase of 137.1% over the same period last year, including 7915 for pure electric brand Euler and 2752 for Wei brand. At present, Great Wall's brands have new energy products, especially the Harvard brand, which announced full new energy as early as August 2022 and plans to stop production of fuel vehicles in 2030. The data show that in November, Harvard Raptors sold 6025 vehicles, Harvard sold 2646 Max, Euler cats sold 6903, and Wei Blue Mountain DHT-PHEV sold 2035.

With the help of AITO, Cyrus Automobile has successfully become a dark horse in the car market. In November, Cyrus sold 20100 cars, up 143.3% from a year earlier, of which the AITO M7 was 17000. On September 12, the new AITO M7 officially released and announced the price, offering two versions of big five and six, with a price range of 24.98 to 329800 yuan, which falls in the same price band as the medium-sized SUV M5 of the same brand. This price means that the starting price of the new model is 70, 000 yuan lower than that of the previous version, coupled with the blessing of Huawei's Mate 60 phone, the new M7 has successfully sold well and there has been a steady stream of visitors from offline stores.

As for Xiaopeng, it succeeded in reversing the decline in sales with its G6 model, which rose 244.9 per cent to 20000 vehicles in November from a year earlier, ranking at the bottom but with the biggest increase. The data show that Xiaopeng G6 sold 8750 vehicles, Xiaopeng G9 5778, Xiaopeng P7 2990 and Xiaopeng P5 2523.

In December, car companies, including BYD and Xiaopeng Motor, announced price cuts to enhance the competitiveness of their products while hoping to achieve the goal as much as possible. Among the 11 new energy vehicle companies counted by the Tramcar report, in fact, only ideal cars have achieved the target of annual sales of 300000 vehicles, while other models are still far from the target. BYD sold a total of 2.672 million vehicles in the previous November, with a target completion rate of 89%. 328000 vehicles need to be sold in the last month to achieve the target. But BYD is also the only company after the ideal car that can hope to achieve the set goal, while Xiaopeng's sales completion rate is only 60%, which is likely to fail.

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